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May 2, 2011
Hi Folks. New pipe smoker and forum member here.
I bought a cheap corncob pipe from ebay and just smoked it today. It felt more delicate than a briar and is much lighter. I found it easier to hold the pipe between my teeth due to the lightness. It was a good smoke as well.
I have read that corncobs do not need breaking in or resting as often. Is this true? Is it as robust as a briar? Not that this matters as much as due to the price its no big deal if the pipe gets ruined.
I liked the smoke and price so I just bought a box of thirty six corncobs on ebay for £9.99 ( about $17.00?). Is this a good price.
I would also like to know why corncobs are looked down upon by pipe smokers.



Jan 24, 2011
Happy Hunting Grounds
I haven't seen much negativity directed to corncob pipes, past a few diehards, and they have class to let each man smoke what he likes at the end of the day.
I would venture to say that more than half the smokers here have a cob or two in their rotation.



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 13, 2010
Following the white rabbit
I don't think there is anything wrong with cobs, and I often use them as "work pipes" due to the inexpensive price. They do give a good smoke, particularly for burley.
That price sounds like a good price for 36 cobs to me.



Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 17, 2011
They are definitely not as robust as briar; however I do find that they are fantastic. Though I personally will not smoke one that is not made by Missouri Meerschaum...well I would smoke one made by Hackert for obvious reasons.

I would say that they do require a "break in" of sorts to get rid of the cob taste but that's unavoidable and I find the taste pretty pleasant when paired with the right tobacco. I found that Sir Walter Raleigh goes well with a cob in this stage.

They're great for trying new blends since they have no memory like briar does and they also don't really need a rest. I would say to treat it like a meerschaum in that respect in that just letting it cool down between smokes is sufficient.

Haha any deal where you pay less than fifty cents per item is a good deal.
I wouldn't say corncobs are looked down upon by all pipe smokers and are in fact looked fondly upon by many. A lot of guys got their starts in the hobby with a cob and a good many keep a few cobs in their collection for trying new blends. I personally dig the way they look and for the price a fella pays for them they're hard to beat.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 7, 2011
I love my cobs and my briars... I love how a cob looks too! Put a forever stem on it and its great! I do agree that I would only buy MM cob.. enjoy your cobs and have fun. Welcome!



Can't Leave
Apr 9, 2011
Cheviot Ohio
pallmall, why not read my Corncob Primer to learn more about cobs. I'm nowhere near an expert, but I have smoked cobs for over 50 years, and I was mentored by my dad. You can also read my Buyers Guide.



Can't Leave
Apr 4, 2011
Alberta, Canada
Corncobs are great! However, I would not recommend them to a smoker who has no experience because they are too easy to smoke and too inexpensive, so, you get spoiled by the ease and don't have any worries about money. Then, when you try a nice briar you might not have all the necessary skill. But, after smoking a briar for a while and getting a feel for everything involved, there is no excuse for not owning an MM :D



Mar 22, 2011
Edgewood Texas
Corncobs are great, but it sounds to me like you bought a bunch of the chinese made pipes. I won't tell you they smoke like crap (I've never smoked the chinese ones) but if you aren't happy with your pipes be sure to try an actual American made cob before you knock all corncob pipes.

What I've heard about the chinese ones is that they just dont last. Stems falling apart, cob burning through.

If yours are American made, they will say Missouri Meerschaum on the bottom. (MM is the only US company still making cobs over here)

Welcome to the forums, hope you stick around!



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 15, 2010
Portland, OR
I just love to make fun of them because they SEEM less "refined" than briars, meers, and calabashes.

I don't actually dislike them...all right, I do dislike them. I just don't begrudge anyone who likes 'em.

May 3, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
They're definitely great to get into pipe smoking and I've also heard some people use them as a blend tester to see if they like a new blend or not so it doesn't ghost any of their current briars incase they don't like the blend. I usually keep one cob around. Alot of times I'll use my cob as a driving pipe, because they're so inexpensive I could care less if I char the hell out of the bowl or what not.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 28, 2011
I love cobs! I also am from a small town in Georgia and it seems to fit. I like how they smoke and I usually leave one in my car for when I'm driving around and want a smoke. I must admit that I do enjoy how the people in Atlanta look at me when I'm smoking it, also.



Can't Leave
Dec 13, 2010
Newberry, SC
unless you just have money to toss... a MM cob is practical. They are not throwaways with nearly no care to be input. I have noe that is going on 25+ years. It's all in how you use it daily. enjoy them. ( I don't buy chinese crap cobs either)



Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 23, 2011
i agree with JC... if you dig it then do it.

i have a small bent legend and a country gentleman. personally i love smoking my cobs just as much as any of my briars, and more so than a couple of them.

it is what it is.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 6, 2011
Anyone who says a Cob is too "unrefined" for them needs to come down of their pedestal for a minute or two and just smoke one for a couple bowls. :lol: (joking, don't take offense.)

Seriously though, there are snobs in every hobby and while their is nothing wrong with enjoying something the way YOU want to enjoy it, it's usually the snobs who miss out. I can personally testify to this as I was a "gun-snob" for a long time. :wink:
If you're just not that into the look of a cob, why not customize it with a ForeverStem, sandpaper, stain, and elbow grease? One of my favorite pipes is a CornCob Churchwarden I refinished and restemmed.

The first part of my post sounds like I'm trying to pick a fight, or being harsh. That is not my intention, I'm just trying to make a point that I think needs to be made and am not very good at NOT sounding like a trash-talking redneck. :lol: Happy smoking everybody.

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