I like revisiting this thread every so often, since I'm only in my second year of really active pipe smoking, and I'm finding that my tastes are naturally changing a bit over time. Four months ago when I last posted in this thread I was mainly smoking aromatics, all of which I still enjoy, but looking now at the jars in my cellar to see which I've smoked the most of over the winter I realize that there are four I've almost emptied while the majority of the other blends remain barely touched.
Those four are:
Mac Baren - HH Pure Virginia
Cornell & Diehl - Pegasus
Peterson - Early Morning Pipe
Gawith Hoggarth - Kendal Black Cherry
It seems like whether I've wanted a Virginia blend, a Burley blend, an English blend, or something with added flavorings I've loaded up a pipe of one of those four in fairly equal measure. They're all pretty middle of the road blends in nicotine strength and flavor profile, and fairly orthodox representations of their particular blend styles. Here's your Virginia, here's your Burley, here's your English, and here's a Lakeland. I guess that's what I seem to like!