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Sjmiller CPG

May 8, 2015
Morgan County, Tennessee
I realize I am the newbie here and may not make any friends with my comment but you need to ask yourself a question. The question is (read the whole post before you begin the abuse) which do you want more, quality or quantity of life. I am in a unique position where this question is concerned. Due to an undiagnosed neurological disorder, my life prior to age 32 was one filled with panic attacks, agoraphobia, and a number of other related disorders. Visits to countless doctors resulted in basically the same advice, "Man up, Barbie". I finally found a doctor that listened and helped me. True, I do take about 14 pills a day but things are under control now and I enjoy my life. If tomorrow I found out any of those pills might cause something that would kill me, I would keep taking them. Life is better with them. To me life is better with beer, cola, tobacco, and a dozen other things that can kill me. Having lived with a poor quality of life, I would chose quality over quantity any day.
Okay, let the flaming begin.



Oct 6, 2009
I also have COPD- emphysema. I smoked cigarettes for close to 40 years and worked in the insulation field for 27. I was first diagnosed about 7-8 years ago which is about when I quit smoking cigarettes completely,had been smoking the pipe part time for a year or so by then. Quitting the cigarettes did make a difference for me.
I cannot say with certainly that the pipe has not made my COPD worse but if it has I really cannot tell--at this point. While I have slowed down in the last few years I think part of that may be that I ain't getting any younger.
I use a couple of inhalers and have since I was diagnosed.

And every time I see my Doctor( usually about once-twice a year) he asks if I'm still puffing that pipe--I don't lie to him.



Jul 31, 2010
Bethlehem, Pa.
My wife has had COPD for 15 years. The grim truth is that it does not get better and will get worse. She is on oxygen 24/7 now. Lung reduction is not an option but a transplant may be. In fact, we are going for a consultation at Temple Lung Hospital on Monday to discuss an experimental procedure where they put coils into the lungs to open them up. We are hopeful but guarded.

I'm sorry to hear your news but stopping now is really a wise choice and, understandably, a difficult one. Good luck and best wishes.



Apr 26, 2013
You are "The man who got me Esoterica", so know you are revered in my heart as a hero. I offer you no advice, just respect and brotherly love.
I know the choice before you is an amazingly difficult one. I will pray for you to have peace in order to find the decision that is best for you and the strength to make it.
We are here for you to discuss things, vent, shout, whatever you need.
Serenity to you,



Feb 15, 2015
If it were me, with early stage COPD, and I could, I would never inhale any smoke ever, but I would smoke a pipe on occasion, a few times a week, or once a day, outdoors. I would not smoke in a closed room and I would try to minimize second hand smoke. I for sure would not chain-pipe smoke. Praying for your long term health and happiness.



Dec 11, 2012
Good luck to you, Seadog, whatever your decision. My father died of pulmonary fibrosis and my mother-in-law died of lung cancer, so my own tendency would be to err on the side of caution, depending on the severity of the condition and the doctor's recommendation.



Jul 23, 2014
The Lower Forty of Hill Country
One way to understand chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is to imagine three overlapping circles arranged in the shape of a triangle. One circle represents chronic bronchitis, another asthma, and the third emphysema. In the center of the triangle where each of the circles intersects would be COPD which has, to a greater or lesser degree, have symptoms of all three conditions.



All you guys are well respected by me, and the different perspectives are what I've come to expect from such a diverse, eclectic, critical thinking bunch of fellas. I've made the choice to stop smoking cigs, the pipe and will indulge in an occasional that's the plan now. I plan on hovering around here since I just love the hell out of this site and the good fun we have.

I will say this, if you smoke cigs...try your best to quit, they really are the killers and I want you all to be able to smoke the pipe long and well. I wont be a guys don't be either. :)




Jan 19, 2012
I'm sorry to say that I have to agree with the call to quit. The enjoyment that all of life brings far outweighs the momentary pleasures of the pipe. Discover new pleasures and savor the joy of life.
As good as it gets - nice woodsroad.



Might Stick Around
Feb 17, 2014
Snus is a good way to be able to continue to enjoy tobacco without the danger of inhaling smoke.
My mother, who was never a smoker, had copd and even secondhand smoke caused her immense discomfort.

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