Take it from an real old crotchety man,.....it's all in the attitude my friend, it's all in the attitude. Little kids smell funny and women should have never been given the right to vote.
Nice watch, very nice indeed.... I'm getting ready to list a few of my old Elgins on ebay. (Gotta pay for pipes!) :D
Nothing at all wrong with a pocket watch. I destroy wrist watches as fast as I can buy then so one in the pocket has been the way to go for me for a long time.
Nice watch!
I, too, was a crotchety old man by my early 20s. I got my first pocket watch at 18 and started smoking a pipe at around 21 (if I remember correctly).
Tommy is absolutely correct about the attitude! My wife is always teasing me about being a crotchety old man before my time.