Consistently Packing Half A Bowl

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Dec 7, 2021
Not really, I think that I advocate my passionate love for the aromas of warmed briar quite frequently.
For sure. I think that meerschaums work well for someone who only owns a few pipes or wants to minimize the amount of pipes they have. They aren’t really necessary for those that already have a big stable of briars IMO.
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I don't think I've ever left a bowl half full. It depends on how long you wish to smoke I would imagine. The caking should still be even or at least unnoticeable with smoking just half a bowl.
For me, I will pack my first five or six of my pipes for the next day before I got to bed, and then give them all a good char, for an intentional DGT. And, many times I will set a pipe down, lose it, and find it a few weeks or months later. For these, it gives me an opportunity to try to figure out what blend I was smoking when I lost the pipe.


Dec 3, 2021
Bagshot Row, Hobbiton
I smoke larger bowl pipes and frequently only pack half a bowl if I want a shorter smoke. No issue.
The only time I would think its important is when posting in the WAYS thread for accuracy.