I just checked all of my pipes and I have 7 Dublins, 2 Rhodesians and one Calabash that all have conical shaped bowls. I checked the cake on all of them and found none that were uneven. I use a pipe knife to trim my cake so no issues with a reamer. Until I read this thread I have never given a thought to the shape of my bowls. I also own 8 Apples, 9 Billiards/Lovats, 5 Rhodesians, 4 Brandy's , 2 Cherrywood/Pokers, 1 Zulu( not a conical bowl), 1 Calabash. I honestly cannot say that the conical shaped bowls smoke better than the other styles. I can say that my artisan pipes smoke better no matter what shape bowl than my factory pipes, but not by that much as my factory pipes consists of Castello, Upshall, Willmer, Savinelli and my really old Peretti. My factory pipes I hold less dear mostly because of the stems, but smoking wise they are real troopers. My old Peretti smokes like a champ and if anyone has a chance at grabbing one, they usually can be bought for under 100.00.
If anyone had told me that one shaped bowl smokes better than the other I would have said not in my experience. I love my other shapes as much as I do my Dublins. I believe that there are so many variables in why a pipe smokes great, that the shape of the bowl is low on the list. Quality of the briar, stem design, who made the pipe are factors greater than the shape of the bowl. Maybe I am crazy or maybe I just don't know any better, but I love all of my different shapes equally.
For example, I just got in my new Abe Herbaugh Rhodesian, that has a conical bowl. But it does not smoke better than my Rads or Bruce Weavers Rhodesians that have a U shaped bowl. All of them smoke wonderfully and I am happy with them all.
So I guess what I am saying is that if the pipe smokes great, don't sweat about the shape of the bowl.
If anyone had told me that one shaped bowl smokes better than the other I would have said not in my experience. I love my other shapes as much as I do my Dublins. I believe that there are so many variables in why a pipe smokes great, that the shape of the bowl is low on the list. Quality of the briar, stem design, who made the pipe are factors greater than the shape of the bowl. Maybe I am crazy or maybe I just don't know any better, but I love all of my different shapes equally.
For example, I just got in my new Abe Herbaugh Rhodesian, that has a conical bowl. But it does not smoke better than my Rads or Bruce Weavers Rhodesians that have a U shaped bowl. All of them smoke wonderfully and I am happy with them all.
So I guess what I am saying is that if the pipe smokes great, don't sweat about the shape of the bowl.