I still don't get the 'packing to the sides' method. Wish there were soome visual reference.
Read "Fill the bowl properly"
When packing, instead of putting pressure on the tobacco strait down into the bottom center, you use thumb and forefinger and pinch it in more to the sides a bit. After I pack this way, the tobacco is slightly depressed in the center as the edges are kind of stuck to the sides of the bowl. You have to moisten the sides for it to work! This seems to assure that the packing is tight on the sides and less so in the middle. I do not push any tobacco straight down as that pushes stuff into the center outlet hole at bottom. Previously, my pack would also expand up when lighting and let too much air around the sides. When tamping, just lightly push the raised edges down a little but don't tamp the center.
Hey, it sounded weird to me at first, but I have had these pipes for awhile now and this is the first time I am getting a great smoke from them.