Conical Bowls

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Jan 3, 2019
I have 3 Kirsten pipes now in my collection. I tend to use them more and more after seeing how much evil smelling yellow brown fluid is removed from each smoke. I feel much better not having all that "poison" sloshing around in my mouth. I have to admit the flavor of my tobaccos is a bit weaker so I guess all that nasty stuff gave the taste buds a treat.

But to the point. 2 of my Kirstens have the traditional wide mouth conical chambers with the last one being a corn cob bowl of traditional .75 straight chamber. The cob packs and smoke like a dream but the 1" conical ones are a horror to pack and keep lit. Packing will not take as the shape of the chamber just allows the tobacco to expand and unpack itself. Lighting it is very hard and keeping it lit a chore because the pack will not hold.

Anyone have pipes with such chambers? And what is the secret to packing a bowl shaped more like a dinner plate.



Oct 14, 2014
Cannonball method. Don't fill the tip of the cone instead focus on filling the widest part loosely. You can use your tamper to add tension, but if you load too densely you will exacerbate your current issues. Best of luck.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
You say a wide cone shape. I have some that range from tall stacks to a few that are wider than they are tall. The wider bowls just seem to smoke better for me if I hump up the tobacco in a wad in the middle, and I just hump the tobacco with my tamper as I smoke them (but not too hard). The wider cones, I don't smoke as often. I don't like to have to fiddle too much with my pipe as I smoke it, so the taller cones are easier for me to smoke without having to keep it tamped throughout.




Jan 5, 2018
The Faroe Islands
The only issue I've had with conical bowls is that the tobacco will get too tight if I'm not careful. I am not sure I understand what you are saying about the tobacco loosing the pack. I never really pack. If it's a ribbon cut, I'll just shove it in and smoke it. If it's a flake or coin I'll rub it out or break it a little and just estimate when there's enough. There is never really any pack to get lost.



Part of the Furniture Now
May 27, 2011
Sierra Foothills
I had some instructions for packing Kirsten pipes. The standard bowel is a conical shape. Check if you have instructions or they may be on the Kirsten site.
As I recall, it says to pack with one fill and compress tightly. It works for me. And, it may have to do with the draft hole being dead center in the bottom of the bowel. IDK.
Good luck! :puffy:



Feb 16, 2019
So the idea is to have a bit of space between the bottom of the bowl and the bottom of the packed tobacco?



Feb 16, 2019
I don't want to jack the thread but I gotta say, to remind myself, that pipe smoking involves a lot of trial and error. So now I gotta try my conical bowled Dublin with a folded flake, which would be something new. I always rub out any flakes.


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
When you fold a flake make sure it's sufficiently dry and have the folded end oriented upward. It needs just a bit of free space in the bowel, too.
Could never get them lit right with the folded end up. With the way I eat there is never free space in my bowel.

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Part of the Furniture Now
May 17, 2013
McHenry, MS
Ahhh! I committed the cardinal bowel/bowl mistake. It's gettin' late Duane.
I find I get a more even light with a roughed up folded end. Either certainly works, but often times my unfolded end will "run" unevenly.


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
Ahhh! I committed the cardinal bowel/bowl mistake. It's gettin' late Duane.
Know the feeling. I give the unfolded end a bit of roughing up with my thumbnail, and the whole surface a slight twist to level everything.
Well, that would explain the long line to use the head.
There's always the poop deck! :mrgreen:



Jan 3, 2019
My thanks to loneredtree for the link to the Kirsten page with directions. I never though of looking for directions on how to smoke a pipe there, as that would be like going to the Ford site to learn how to drive a car.
Anyway, using the technique of moistening the bowl and packing to the sides produced immediate results! As the smoke progressed I kind of tamped more to the sides and them down. Smooth even burn with even carbon buildup along walls.
I am sure a couple of my cellar selections will cause a problem due to cut and or dryness level, but thats what the straight chambered Kirsten will handle.
Thanks for the input guys!



Feb 21, 2013
I have mostly cylindrical bowls but a number of conical as well, and frankly I've never made any special distinction on how to pack and smoke either kind. I've just never had any problems or annoying lack of performance with either. With a few almost unconscious adjustments, I can smoke most blends and cuts in either without problems.

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