Confused About Stems

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Aug 20, 2020
Old Fort, NC
I did some searching around in the forums but didn't really find what I was looking for so I apologize if this is already answered over and over. I have two pipes that I think are a Billiard and some kind of Bent Apple. Forgive my complete ignorance about shapes. I spent some time just looking them over and one thing I noticed is that the draw on the Bent Apple is WAY easier than on the Billiard when they are totally empty. Is it possible to switch out stems to be a easier/harder draw on the pipe? I assume it would be, but I don't know if the bowl would restrict it anyway.


Mar 11, 2014
It could be a stem issue, but it also could be the airway in the briar itself.
Also, switching stems is a difficult thing because most likely the tenon of a new stem (the part that gets inserted into the wood) won’t match the mortise (the receiving opening). A new stem will have to be custom fit, most likely.


Aug 23, 2013
How clean and clear are the airways in the stummel (the wood) and the stem? How clear the draft hole at the bottom of the bowl/tobbacco chamber? Start with the basics.
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May 25, 2012
If they fit, you could do that, but it's unlikely they have the same size tenon (the part that sticks into the briar).

If you have needle files, you could try expanding the airway yourself, rather than send it out to a pro. But that can go wrong if you're not careful!

What brand of pipes are they?


Feb 21, 2013
Since you are new to pipes, it is appropriate to ask if you have taken off the stem to see if there is a filter in the pipe that could be restricting the airway. While you have the stem off, pass the pipe cleaner through both the stem and the shank into the bowl (wooden parts). Blow through the stem to see if it is restricted, and through the shank and bowl, likewise. If the tight airway is in the stem, you can have it replaced or opened up by a pipe repairman at modest cost. Good luck.
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Aug 25, 2016
It could be a stem issue, but it also could be the airway in the briar itself.
Also, switching stems is a difficult thing because most likely the tenon of a new stem (the part that gets inserted into the wood) won’t match the mortise (the receiving opening). A new stem will have to be custom fit, most likely.

Agreed. It could definitely be the airway in the stummel rather than just the stem. In any event, a good pipe repairman can take care of that issue and open up the draft.


Aug 25, 2016
Since you are new to pipes, it is appropriate to ask if you have taken off the stem to see if there is a filter in the pipe that could be restricting the airway. While you have the stem off, pass the pipe cleaner through both the stem and the shank into the bowl (wooden parts). Blow through the stem to see if it is restricted, and through the shank and bowl, likewise. If the tight airway is in the stem, you can have it replaced or opened up by a pipe repairman at modest cost. Good luck.

Yes, this is what we all should've said first. Start with the basics before you assume there's a real problem...

Reminds me of the time I ripped open my drywall to fix a "leaky pipe" when it turns out the leak was just coming from a cracked hose on the washing machine (I checked the hose connections first, but didn't check the hoses themselves). In any event, that's when I learned to patch drywall.


Aug 20, 2020
Old Fort, NC
I have run a pipe cleaner through it and it didn't seem to make a difference. I also tried just drawing through the stem without the bowl and it still seems a little tough to me compared to the other one so it definitely appears to be the stem.


Can't Leave
Sep 9, 2019
West Central Florida
I had one pipe that was restricted in the stem. It was a very clean estate and probably why it was priced low. I just drilled it to the very next size and that worked for me.
Jul 17, 2017
A real question is how do they smoke? You mention the draw when the pipe is empty. I have different pipes with different draws. A more open draw doesn't necessarily result in a better smoke. A tighter draw may work better in unison with all the other aspects of the pipe to form an excellent smoking experience. If the pipe with a tighter draw is hard to smoke, please disregard this. Just thought I'd mention it.
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Apr 29, 2017
Minnesota USA
Depending on whether the pipes are new or used, there may be an obstruction due to manufacturing, or the airway is clogged with tobacco, tar or whatever.

Probably the easiest thing to do would be to get some 3F pumice or even toothpaste and some pipe cleaners and smooth out the airway in the stem. Removing an appreciable amount of material would take a bit of doing, which is a bonus if you’re not familiar with opening an airway.