I'm trying to learn! But damn.
"Dry the tobacco till it's crispy"
"Don't dry it too much, or it burns too hot and loses all flavor."
"Pack it super light. Use gravity fill and never press the tobacco down inside the pipe. There should be no resistance on your draw."
"Use three pinches. Lightly packed. Medium packed. Then heavy packed. You know it's right when it's like sucking liquid through a straw."
"Start with a light English Blend"
"Start with an aromatic or Codger."
"Smoke until there's only fine, white ash in the bowl."
"Dump the last third of the bowl as dottle."
Etc. Etc. Etc.
The ONLY consistent advice seems to be "Smoke slow. Sip the tobacco." Of course, no matter how slow I go, I still get tongue bite... When I go slower, I have to relight with every single "sip."
Aaagh! I want to be good at this!