Conflicting Pipe Smoking Advice!

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Dec 16, 2014
North Carolina
First rule of pipe smoking ... there are no hard and fast rules. Try various methods and find what works for you. Any advice is simply what works for the person offering the advice. Some works, some does not. Just enjoy the ride, until you find what techniques work, for you.
I agree with most of what Mike says, however, the first (and only) rule of pipe smoking is that you need a pipe, some tobacco, and a way to light the tobacco. Part of the attraction is the journey of discovery to find your best experience.


Jan 7, 2020
You'll get there, my friend! One thing I'd offer as an aid is to not do anything else while smoking so you can better pay attention the the effects that come from doing it one way versus another.
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Staff member
Jul 28, 2013
I'm trying to learn! But damn.

"Dry the tobacco till it's crispy"
"Don't dry it too much, or it burns too hot and loses all flavor."

"Pack it super light. Use gravity fill and never press the tobacco down inside the pipe. There should be no resistance on your draw."
"Use three pinches. Lightly packed. Medium packed. Then heavy packed. You know it's right when it's like sucking liquid through a straw."

"Start with a light English Blend"
"Start with an aromatic or Codger."

"Smoke until there's only fine, white ash in the bowl."
"Dump the last third of the bowl as dottle."

Etc. Etc. Etc.

The ONLY consistent advice seems to be "Smoke slow. Sip the tobacco." Of course, no matter how slow I go, I still get tongue bite... When I go slower, I have to relight with every single "sip."

Aaagh! I want to be good at this! 🤣🤣🤣
1. I do better when I'm not paying attention to what anyone else is doing.
2. I don't read reviews.

I joined this forum about the same time I started smoking a pipe. But I didn't do it for help to learn how. I did it to have people to talk to about how cool smoking a pipe is. Yes I read all the tips and tricks, but it doesn't help if it's not how you learn or WANT to smoke.


In my opinion, pipe smoking is an act of intuition. Intuition has to be developed, and it can be done in a number of ways, hence the amount and variety of advice out there.

If you're learning to play guitar, a folk guitarist will tell you that finger picking is the only way to do it, whereas a rock guitarist will likely tell you the opposite. The problem is... They're both right.

The only way to give advice on pipe smoking is for me to tell you - not how to smoke a pipe - but how to smoke a pipe like I do.

I've taught several people how to smoke a pipe, and now that each has gotten into it, they don't smoke a pipe like I do. My advice, ultimately, wasn't shit. But it helped them stick with it and that's the key.

The science behind playing a guitar suggests that once you've logged enough hours, you begin to understand the guitar to the point that it essentially becomes an attachable appendage, just another part of your arm. You're able to act without thinking or planning because you just know it so damned well.

A pipe is much the same. Every pipe is different, just as every tobacco blend is different. But once you learn to understand the pipe in general, you'll learn how to feel for the pipe that's in your hands at that moment and you'll do what feels right and it'll work - not because it's  right - but because it's you, and therefore it's right for that moment. You'll have learned how to smoke the way you smoke.

And then, you'll pass on your experiential knowledge to a newbie and it won't work the same for him that it did for you, so he'll alter your method and adapt it, then he'll rinse and repeat. And thus, the circle of the pipe smoking life will continue.
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Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 18, 2023
Western NY
All great advice has already been given.
Opinions are like as.......oh, nevermind!!!

Smoke slow, but not slow enough for the pipe to go out.
Instead of thinking about it like smoking slow, think of it like drawwwwwing slowwwwly. ....then a couple frantic puffs. :) And don't take too long between slowwwww drawwwwws. If it starts to go the tiny frantic puffing thing a few times. Its very difficult to explain.
You will get the hang of it.


Nov 26, 2018
Title edited for caps and brevity. See Rule 9!

I'm trying to learn! But damn.

"Dry the tobacco till it's crispy"
"Don't dry it too much, or it burns too hot and loses all flavor."

"Pack it super light. Use gravity fill and never press the tobacco down inside the pipe. There should be no resistance on your draw."
"Use three pinches. Lightly packed. Medium packed. Then heavy packed. You know it's right when it's like sucking liquid through a straw."

"Start with a light English Blend"
"Start with an aromatic or Codger."

"Smoke until there's only fine, white ash in the bowl."
"Dump the last third of the bowl as dottle."

Etc. Etc. Etc.

The ONLY consistent advice seems to be "Smoke slow. Sip the tobacco." Of course, no matter how slow I go, I still get tongue bite... When I go slower, I have to relight with every single "sip."

Aaagh! I want to be good at this! 🤣🤣🤣
They are general guidelines. You learn the basic and find what works best for you. One of my friends showed his young son how to pee standing up leaning on the top of the toilet. Next day his son called him from the toilet. He was pooping standing up. See how the young genius found his own way?
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Richmond B. Funkenhouser

Plebeian Supertaster
Dec 6, 2019
They are general guidelines. You learn the basic and find what works best for you. One of my friends showed his young son how to pee standing up leaning on the top of the toilet. Next day his son called him from the toilet. He was pooping standing up. See how the young genius found his own way?

I guess it's to each his own.

When I was a young boy I learned how to do an upper decker, what a blast that was.

Once I got married my wife put a stop to that.


Sep 17, 2023
I think most people have some worthwhile advice to share. Just dont take any of it as gospel. Some things others have tired have been helpful and Ive adopted it. Some has not been helpful. IMHO its worth running little "experiments" to attempt to get the most out the experience. Granted, I may have tried some silly things but why not. Its a pipe and a bowl of tobacco. No one gets hurt and its not the end of the world either way.


Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 23, 2019
Different blends and different cuts will have their own sweet spot when it comes to moisture level, packing, smoking cadence, etc.

Dense flakes I tend to dry more and pack lighter vs finer cuts.
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Jun 19, 2024
Stratford upon avon
Title edited for caps and brevity. See Rule 9!

I'm trying to learn! But damn.

"Dry the tobacco till it's crispy"
"Don't dry it too much, or it burns too hot and loses all flavor."

"Pack it super light. Use gravity fill and never press the tobacco down inside the pipe. There should be no resistance on your draw."
"Use three pinches. Lightly packed. Medium packed. Then heavy packed. You know it's right when it's like sucking liquid through a straw."

"Start with a light English Blend"
"Start with an aromatic or Codger."

"Smoke until there's only fine, white ash in the bowl."
"Dump the last third of the bowl as dottle."

Etc. Etc. Etc.

The ONLY consistent advice seems to be "Smoke slow. Sip the tobacco." Of course, no matter how slow I go, I still get tongue bite... When I go slower, I have to relight with every single "sip."

Aaagh! I want to be good at this! 🤣🤣🤣
I’m new to this art too and feel your pain.
However, I’ve found it useful to see what everyone has to say and then you have lots of different ways to try.
Some times one way will work for me but the next time using the same method doesn’t. 🤔
I just enjoy the time to spend on yourself just concentrating on what works for me and what doesn’t.
This is your hobby for YOU, so try and enjoy the time finding out what works for you. 😎
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