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Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 27, 2016
Orlando, FL
I’ve been smoking a pipe since I was 18, now 21 years. I’ve enjoyed learning all kinds of things about the hobby during that time but i now have a fairly set routine of habits that I do whether or not they abide by the majority opinion. Here are my own pipe-smoking pragmatic idiosyncrasies by way of confession:
1. I open tins and smoke from said tin for well over a year without jarring in order to taste the tobacco blend at different moisture rates. If there’s a highly valued blend for me, I jar it right away.
2. I have no packing method other than putting the tobacco in the pipe at a gravity fill level a couple of times and giving it one light push.
3. True or not, I believe in not using a bic due to excessive heat, unless I have no other lighting options.
4. If I’m smoking in a convenient location. I probably run three pipe cleaners through the pipe on every smoke because a) I might just suck at smoking and always smoke wet, or b) I just suck at smoking.
5. I never did track how many relights I have per smoke. I just don’t care. It’s a lot usually.
6. I have trouble with and don’t enjoy clinching that much.
7. I smoke in the car all the time and live and die by the one driver’s side window cracked idea as a vacuum for sucking out the smoke (and still allowing you to hear the podcast you’re listening to).
8. I lost my taste for Latakia and I miss it.
9. I can’t seem to find the complexity of flavor in all the burley blends but I want to, in honor of Matches 860 (rip).
10. I restore pipes. I suck at restoring pipes.
11. I want to like C&D blends but they all taste just meh to me.
12. I ordered a stupid magnetic car pipe holder from eBay and it’s freaking awesome.
13. My calibri old boy from Amazon is the most expensive pipe accessory I have and 1 billion percent worth it.
14. Thunder bird lighters suck but I still buy them.
15, I bought fake old boys from Alibaba.
16. Some of my best smoking pipes are complete no names and they have put my nomenclature pride to shame.
17. I can’t believe I only started truly cellaring after McClelland closed.
18. I half believe/half disbelieve there is a coming tobacco apocalypse.
19. I gave up on vulcanite for acrylic about ten years ago. If I find a good stummel I just have a proper logo’d acrylic stem made for it.
20. I once had a Barling’s Make that a reputable pipe restorer sanded the logo off of… I’m still trying to forgive him.
21. When I first started smoking, you could buy all kinds of blends in the brick and mortar joints. I haven’t seen a decent one in years.
22. I have often risked being late for a flight by smoking my pipe one last time outside the airport.

I’ll stop here for now…


Dec 8, 2020
East Coast USA
I’ll play.

A bic ignited with thumb allows one to hold the lighter upside down over the bowl and makes the perfect pipe-lighter. I try to stay, “Classy”

Granger is the best “tasting” tobacco I’ve discovered to date. Most others are a combination of smell and taste. Not Granger.

Any blend with latakia tastes so similar to me that I don’t bother with it anymore.

Burley and VaBurs are where it’s at for me.

I have a real appreciation for Codger blends.

My favorite pipe shape is a tapered, straight billiard with a thin bit. I generally steer clear of bent pipes.

I’m predominantly an early morning only smoker. Hey! Coffee’s done? Gotta run!

Fun post!

Orlando! I visit every September.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 9, 2022
Zebulon-JoCo NC
ok. #21 made me laugh. You started at 18 now 21......and you haven't seen a good B&M in "years" . I guess technically not wrong but .....just hit me funny. Like when I hear youngins on streams talking about how at 28 they are old and washed up playing a video game.

Only one I can think for myself. I struggle to throw away cobs that are no longer serviceable because even though cheap they are like old friends (old as in dog years aging old) and hate to see them go. Now equally as bad they get lined up beside the new batch of MM seconds that just came in. Which would be just cruel if they were people.


Oct 6, 2021
NE Wisconsin
My tastes have changed such that previous favorites are now difficult to smoke, but I still have some stock of previous favorites that my wife and kids got me as presents when they knew how much I loved them, and now when they say "Hey you haven't smoked __________ in a while" I don't have the heart to tell them, and I load up a bowl and rave about it.