You thought about it enough to make a youtube video about it. A fine video I might add.Never really put much thought into it. I just packed the pipe and smoked it.
That was a request from a member for a visual aid. Same as the breath smoking video.?You thought about it enough to make a youtube video about it. A fine video I might add.
I'm still working on it. I love Latakia but the bite on any blend except straight up black cav hits me especially on relights. If I can keep one going there is no bite but that is rare for meLike you, I am new. Tongue bite plagued me for months. I was concerned about lightings and packing. There were times where I just stopped for a week. Then, it happened that I could enjoy a bowl, taste the Latakia, and focus on other things.
I blame or give credit to the good internet friends and members here for any success I may now enjoy.
you are one of those wizards I hear about!!!!!I guess I got lucky, I never had an issue with packing a pipe. Within a day or two, I was properly packing a pipe.
Title edited. Rule 9. -jpm
For all you experienced pipe smokers out there: How long did it take before you declared to yourself that you now consistently packed your pipe well? The second part -and one of note-to that question is: How did you measure your success? And now, last but not least: Was there a particular “Ah hah” moment for you causing the “light bulb” to turn on? If so please share it for us newbies. This is not asking for a repeat of what can be found on the forums in terms of technique but wanting your personal experience as you were starting out. Thanks!
I guess, or maybe packing a pipe isn’t as hard as it’s made out to are one of those wizards I hear about!!!!!
Hey Monty - would I have better luck if I avoid aros for a while? I can get through a bowl of black cavendish without bite and relight but I fear I am chugging and it will create bad habits so I haven't done that in like a month or more. I want to maintain good habits as I think I am really sensitive to bite at least at my stage. Last night I smoked Lane HGL and it started wonderful (love the latakia in it) and half way thru the bowl i needed to relight several times and that is when the bite hit even though I was ginger with the flame. I just dumped the rest. It wasn't soggy or anything. - I will not give up thoughNot too long after I quit smoking Aro's and started down the English and Va/Per road. Since they come in a variety of different cuts and forms it became necessary to learn how to cut, prep, and pack the various blends. I pack a bowl of loose ribbon cut completely different than I do a flake or a coin... etc. After a while it just kinda all fell into place, and I became one with my pipe and blends.
Hmmm......I was hoping guys like you were wizards. I guess it's me thenI guess, or maybe packing a pipe isn’t as hard as it’s made out to be.
Well, I wouldn't want to bash Aro lovers, after all I think I read over 70% of pipe smokers smoke Aro's. I truly do believe in "smoke what you like". However, if you haven't yet tried English or Va/Per blends, then I would suggest laying off the Aro's and give them a try. Personally, I would suggest you not try straight Virginias or Burley blends until you have smoked several medium English and Va/Per offerings. But others might disagree, and that's fine. You may in fact love the straight Viginia's and or Burley better than anything. I don't myself, but that's just me. If there's one thing to pick up on this great pipe forum, it's that this is a very individual and personal hobby, we all have different tastes in pipes and tobacco. But whatever you do, don't give up. Experiment and try everything you can get your hands on. One day you will find the magic, I assure you.Hey Monty - would I have better luck if I avoid aros for a while? I can get through a bowl of black cavendish without bite and relight but I fear I am chugging and it will create bad habits so I haven't done that in like a month or more. I want to maintain good habits as I think I am really sensitive to bite at least at my stage. Last night I smoked Lane HGL and it started wonderful (love the latakia in it) and half way thru the bowl i needed to relight several times and that is when the bite hit even though I was ginger with the flame. I just dumped the rest. It wasn't soggy or anything. - I will not give up though
Thanks Brother - appreciate you man. One thing I notice is if I'm gonna get bite it's when I relight. Once when half my bowl was gone I just repacked more fresh on top and lit that with no bite. But that's bush league. Any advice on relighting other than not torching it? Fluff what remains and repack? I haven't done that yet. thanks again brother.Well, I wouldn't want to bash Aro lovers, after all I think I read over 70% of pipe smokers smoke Aro's. I truly do believe in "smoke what you like". However, if you haven't yet tried English or Va/Per blends, then I would suggest laying off the Aro's and give them a try. Personally, I would suggest you not try straight Virginias or Burley blends until you have smoked several medium English and Va/Per offerings. But others might disagree, and that's fine. You may in fact love the straight Viginia's and or Burley better than anything. I don't myself, but that's just me. If there's one thing to pick up on this great pipe forum, it's that this is a very individual and personal hobby, we all have different tastes in pipes and tobacco. But whatever you do, don't give up. Experiment and try everything you can get your hands on. One day you will find the magic, I assure you.
And for goodness sakes don't worry or fret about having to relight! It's not that big of a deal!