Plateauguy - Your post got me thinking about eBay estate pipe names that I've used over the years for search functions. So, here are some pipe names to put into your search box on EBay. I've smoked quite a few of these, or have heard and read fellow pipe smokers on various forums extoll their virtues. A lot of them can be had for well under $100, many under $50 in no reserve auctions.
American estates: Barclay-Rex, Biltmore, Schoenleber, Ehrlich's, Edward's, Wally Frank, S.M. Frank, Bertram, etc.
UK estates: Atwood, Ancient Mariner, BBB, GBD, Ben Wade, Bewlay, Hardcastle, Parker, Dr. Plumb etc.
I don't have experience with any of these, but Comoy's "seconds" I've heard make great smokers: Ace of spades, Astor, Ayres, Britannia, Carlyle, Charles Cross, Claridge, Cromwell, Dorchester, Dunbar, Drury Lane, Emerson, Everyman, Grand Master, Gresham, Guildhall, Kingsway, Lion's Head, Lord Clive, Hyde Park, Lloyds, Mc Gahey, Moorgate, Newcastle, Royal Falcon, Royal Lane, Scotland Yard, St James, Sunrise, Sussex, The Academy Award, The Golden Arrow, The Mansion House, The Exmoor Pipe, Tinder Box Royal Coachman, Townhall, Trident, Westminster, Wilshire.
Then of course for those with deeper pockets, there's the UK high or higher grades: James Upshall, GBD, BBB, Comoy's, Charatan, Dunhill, Ashton, Sasieni, Astley's, etc.