Commission Question

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Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 30, 2022
So it finally happened. I found a carver whose work I liked. Sent a note. Got the discussion going. Boom 2 weeks later a 2 pipe set is done and they look fantastic. Looking forward to getting them in the mail after the money was sent. Then I started thinking . . .oh man. Am I supposed to tip? I feel like everything these days has an option to tip so maybe it’s just being pushed into my skull. I wasn’t sure so I thought I would ask others who have done a commission before if the carver expects a tip or it’s just a pay the price and done deal.

Thanks in advance.


Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 27, 2018
Pay the price and done. You can pay more of course, but this carver is not a waiter getting $2 an hour and living off tips. And, the carver may not be wealthy, and the work may be worth more, but he/she set the price presumably. But you can still be nice, and promote the person, and send tobacco or whatever. Not tipping doesn't mean you can't be friendly.
Apr 26, 2012
Washington State
If you and the carver agreed on a price, then once you've paid then your parts done. Now when you receive your pipes, and feel the carver went above and beyond your expectations, then you can absolutely send him/her additional funds if you choose, but it's not expected. The choice is yours as there is no expectation for a tip.
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