I wonder if the guest was informed of the investment made in the cigar prior to lighting it? Elitist smokers made me sick of cigars some time ago and I tossed the remainder of my collection. Imagine turning noses up over other's preferences.
No, I just let him know it was a good cigar and it's even better with 15 years on it.
I am anything but a "elitist smoker", as I sit here smoking MacB Va#1 in a corn cob.
And I'm sure not going to quit something I enjoy because of others words, that's just silly.
I do not make emotional decisions over goofy things like tobacco.
Worse than elitist smokers are smokers who believe THEY are elite because they aren't elite.
It's often asked by new pipers if they will be looked down on by guys who smoke the handmade $1000 pipes.
I tell them that in my experience, it's almost always the opposite.
It's the inexpensive basket pipe and cob smokers who look down on the high end smokers.
I see it all the time.
Someone asks if a $1000 pipe is worth it. Without fail many respond with "my $40 pipe smokes every bit as good as that $1000 pipe!"
Which may be true, but how would someone know without smoking both?
Just for clarity, I'm the basket pipe and cob smoker.