I love cobs and they seem to have a natural affinity for warm weather and burley. If that makes me a codger, I'm ok with that.
I've always been fascinated by people like my father, who can sit on his front porch overlooking Table Rock Lake, and smoke his corn cob for hours while sitting in his favorite rocking chair from Cracker Barrel.
Corn cobs...they ain't just for breakfast.
But why are cobs still a thing. I toured the factory in Washington, Missouri years ago. It is a sheltered workshop for people with cognitive challenges. I was impressed by the set up and dedication they had to providing meaningful jobs for their workers. I don't believe most people know this.
But why are you smoking corn cobs? Is it the pipe or does it say something about you? Are you a codger? View attachment 64208
totally. They are different but not lesser then briar.I started out on cobs before I knew whether I'd even like pipe smoking, and then used them regularly as I built up a collection of a few briars. I don't smoke them very often these days, but I sure do respect them. They work real damn well, and they're cheap. Coming from the world of cigars, it was nice to find that a newcomer with a $10 cob could get a similarly quality experience to a pipe veteran smoking a $1000 Danish briar. Of course, there are many reasons why one would prefer high-end pipes, but the fact that cobs make them unnecessary for a good smoke is really commendable, in my opinion.
But...They need not be treated
Don't be discouraged, you'll get there. It requires commitment and one must put in the time.I'm a Cobsman.. but not a piper. Not a codger yet, but I am getting there.