Make your next purchase a MM
Diplomat Cob, which is a great smoker with thick walls, takes a 6mm filter and has the improved Danish bit, a big upgrade over the standard bit that comes with the Country Gent. I highly rec using a filter as it will help mitigate tongue bite, a very common problem for new smokers. Get a box of Vauen Jr. filters as these fit the MM stems better than any other 6mm filters.
For blends, here is my
Stokkebye Starter Kit - one ounce each of these -- super cheap at -- will give you a terrific selection of smooth-smoking blends that you can use to help find your personal tastes. Peter Stokkebye blends are all easy, everyday type smokes, never gonna let you down.
Peter Stokkebye: PS1 Classic Natural Pipe Tobacco - a very light Virginia blend with a smidge of burley and a little aromatic topping. Easy rec for a first timer blend.
Peter Stokkebye: PS301 Natural Dutch Cavendish - damn, I love this stuff. It’s a lightly cavendished VA with a good dose of burley. Very smooth and fruity, I can retro this all night, but it still has a little pop and a sneaky nicotine hit. Smokes great in any pipe. The first tobacco I crossed the 4oz mark with. This is now an easy, every day smoke, no muss, no fuss, no hifalutin' esoteric blend. Just pure, clean tobacco taste, love it.
Peter Stokkebye: PS23 B & B - a nutty burley mixed with sweet black cavendish. This kills it in the Country Gent. Great intro to sweeter, topped burleys.
Peter Stokkebye: PS31 Optimum Pipe - classic PS easy smoking VA/BUR blend with some black cavendish and a fruity berry top note. Easy choice for an Aromatic that isn’t goopy and tasteless.
Peter Stokkebye: PS400 Luxury Navy Flake - classic Virginia spiced with Louisiana Perique. This may not hit you right away but you will learn to love it, esp after it gets some months of age on it.
Peter Stokkebye: PS402 Luxury Twist Flake - a spun VA blend with a light caramel top note, utterly smooth and delicious.
Peter Stokkebye: PS41 Cube Cut - classic, cube cut burley. Give it a few months in the jar and it will taste like the best medium cigar you ever smoked. Fantastic stuff.
Peter Stokkebye: PS17 English Luxury - terrific starter English, the easy smoking PS VA/BUR base blend, very lightened smoky latakia, with a little burley and black Cavendish to mellow it out. A lovely, buttery smoke.
This is the list I wish someone had sent me 9 months ago when I got started. Once you start to figure out your tastes you can go further down the rabbit hole of, say, VA flakes or burley blends. Hope that helps.