So this is probably a stupid noob question but why cobs? I've seen them in tobacco shops before for a few bucks and I always kind of figured they were just a novelty or something you could do if you were out without your pipe and decided you wanted a smoke...just something you could buy cheap to get your fix as it were All of my opinions on them are completely based on my own assumptions though. As of the last few days, when I decided to really start taking pipe smoking more seriously, I've been reading the forums here and found that several of you seem to really like them. So my question to you is why do you smoke them? I did some research and about the best reason I could find was that you can try a new tobacco in them without having to worry about a bad flavor tainting a good pipe. Are there other and/or better reasons?
P.S. Sorry if this has been posted guys have quite a backlog of posts for me to go through But I did do a quick search of the forums and didn't find anything on this specifically.
P.S. Sorry if this has been posted guys have quite a backlog of posts for me to go through But I did do a quick search of the forums and didn't find anything on this specifically.