I walked back to my motel room from the local bar. No problem. Once I got back to my room I grabbed the ice bucket and went to fill it up to ice down a few beers I had left over in my room. I should say here that I was not more than mildly intoxicated.
After filling the bucket I started back to my room and took a misstep off the side of the sidewalk. My foot was caught in a decorative bush there and I tripped. I fell very undignifiedly on the pavement. I struck my elbow on the edge of the sidewalk and cut it open.
Murphy's Law being what it is a young man saw me fall down and, as I picked myself up in the most dignified manner I could muster, he asked me if I was ok.
Cudos to the young man for being concerned. I thank him for that.
I told him I was ok and immediately started searching around for the Savinelli that launched from my mouth when I fell. I found it, unharmed, and put it back into my mouth trying to muster at least a little dignity.
Once I returned to my room I washed my elbow and examined the damage. A nasty gash on the elbow that could perhaps use a couple of sutures but will not get them. I cleaned and dressed it and will live with it.
After filling the bucket I started back to my room and took a misstep off the side of the sidewalk. My foot was caught in a decorative bush there and I tripped. I fell very undignifiedly on the pavement. I struck my elbow on the edge of the sidewalk and cut it open.
Murphy's Law being what it is a young man saw me fall down and, as I picked myself up in the most dignified manner I could muster, he asked me if I was ok.
Cudos to the young man for being concerned. I thank him for that.
I told him I was ok and immediately started searching around for the Savinelli that launched from my mouth when I fell. I found it, unharmed, and put it back into my mouth trying to muster at least a little dignity.
Once I returned to my room I washed my elbow and examined the damage. A nasty gash on the elbow that could perhaps use a couple of sutures but will not get them. I cleaned and dressed it and will live with it.