If you check cigar history , you'll find that most of the time the small cigar was the norm. Even in the 70's and 80's the petit corona and regular coronas where the "normal" cigars. There where exeptions like the presidentes (double corona) , churchills , lonsdales and rotschilds. But the normal cigar that most people favored on that time where the corona like or panatelas like. The big vitolas where more to impress or for special events than to everyday smoke. If my memory do not betray me , it was after the launch of CA magazine that things began to change. They changed the names of some vitolas (double corona for presidentes and robustos for rotschilds) and somehow people began to prefer larger vitolas. For me , since the 70's , a corona was a large enough cigar for me altrough a breva or petit corona was more suited for my needs. Today , i still can find several good smokes on my preferred size , but i miss that i do not have as many options as the modern cigar smokers (thick vitolas). I only smoke one cigar every night with my amontillado and i cannot imagine , after smoking several pipes during the day , to smoke something larger than a corona. Cigarrillos are to short for me , but i understand that they may be ok for some people. My advice is that you should select your vitola , the one you like , not the "fashion" of the time. Enjoy your cigar as well as your pipes , wich i have been doing for the last 50 years.