I’m sure it’s aged at least 150 years.
I think that would be the minimum, yes
I’m sure it’s aged at least 150 years.
Unfortunately it is Holiday time in China, so they aren't responding to chat messagesAsk him what age it is.
Ah, a man of learning I see. Yes when the pipe arrives the results should be quick and clear.Okay I’m hooked, I need to know the scientific results now.
I just love these quests.
It’s good we can buy the fruit wood Chinese pipes.
He must be smoking Latakia as it smells like arse
You do understand international ogistics, right?
A series of tests, each more scientific than the last, which will test the limits of human and pipe endurance.So maybe I missed it, but what is the plan this round? Hang out again? Lol
I am a general proponent of AliExpress, but yes, like anything else, buyer beware.but for the hassle you gain access to a lot of stuff you'll never see anywhere else.
There is no quality in a $13 pipe.
There is no quality in a $13 pipe.