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Mar 1, 2013
Hey all,
I wasn't sure if I should have put this in the newbie section or the tobacco section but I hope I can get some insight on this. Reading the Box Pass thread and seeing all those yummy tobacco's got me thinking; How did you all START selecting tobacco's?
I currently have 3 bulk tobacco's that I am smoking from my B&M, 1Q (hey I'm a noob), English Luxury (I believe a Stokkebye bulk blend), and something called Curious George which I believe has some VA/Per in it. I have read a lot of the reviews on the tinned tobaccos and wanted to know how you all got started on those. At $8-$15 per tin I don't want to just start buying tins of stuff I don't know I will like. It's not so much the money, I would just hate to buy something and not like it and then just toss it.
Maybe I am just over thinking this and should buy some tins. Your thoughts????
Thanks in advance,



Aug 14, 2011
Well, aside from finding out if the seller has some good sampler packages worth your while... you kind of have to read the reviews and make your own mind up.
This is why the boxpass is so great. We get to try a tiny bit of MANY tobaccos for maybe $30 after postage and adding into the box if you are able to.
Read reviews and jump in with both feet. If you come across something that you do not like and you don't know a pipe smoker to give it to (guy behind the counter that you bought it from if he smokes a pipe) then seal it up in an air tight thingamajig and let it get some months under its belt and visit it again.
Over time your tastes may change as you smoke through many blends, and you may find that you enjoy the subtle notes in the blends you hate now.



May 29, 2011
Samplers, my friend. Usually different vendors will sell you sampler packs of the different blends they offer. Those are bulks, yes, but it may help refine your tastes a bit. Then you can go to tobacco reviews and find descriptions of different tinned tobaccos that are similar to what you enjoyed most from the sample packs. Since you enjoy 1Q, try an aromatics sampler, etc. I read a lot of tobacco reviews on this forum, and if it sounded good, I would buy a tin. Now I have about 8 pounds of tobacco sitting around here!

I have been smoking a pipe for over 30 years, and stuck to three tobaccos for 20 of those years. In the last 7, I have sampled over 140 different blends. Believe me when I tell you that I did not know what I was missing. And even at 8 to 15 dollars a tin, I have spent far less on tobacco than my better half has spent on the same brand of cigarets she has been smoking all her life.

If you live near a tobacco shop, btw, they may let you sample from their different stocks in the store as well. I go to Marble Falls, TX, a couple of times a year, and the tobacconist there keeps open tins of dozens of blends out to sample. Good luck!



Dec 24, 2010
North Carolina
I've tried a great many blends over the years.To be honest I didn't like more of them than I did like.After wasting more moey than I care to remember I narrowed down the type of blends that I like and the folks who made it.I like some blenders better than others.I would suggest that you keep records and find what you like.There's far too many blends to try them all.Keep in mind too that we have different tastes.You can't always go by what someone else likes.



Mar 1, 2013
Hey guys thanks for your responses.
Spartan - that is a GREAT idea about putting stuff aside for a while. I did read in some other threads that people would do that. I suppose I could get some mason jars or something like that and let stuff that I am not an immediate fan of age.
Sam - I am definitely going to read more reviews. Some folks like Six and Roth have already given me some suggestions. I think I will start there and expand from that.
Rig - My B&M will let me sample any bulk baccy any day of the week but they don't open tins. I will definitely try the samplers out and see where that gets me. I saw a few on P&C website and will look at a few others.
I appreciate the guidance gents. This is definitely I journey I look forward to.
Dan :puffy:



May 25, 2012
Just pick a highly-rated English blend or two, a VA or Vaper (or two) and if you like aromatics, try one or two of those. Chances are you'll like the most popular blends of each style, or most of them.
For me, trying out different things is half the fun.
Slow, careful smoking is essential -- even the veteran smokers have to remind themselves from time to time. Smoke too hot and any blend can taste like crap.
Also, your tastes will probably change and you'll go through periods where you like one style more than another. That means that even if you don't love a tobacco today, you might really enjoy it 6 months from now.
Dunhill 965 was like that for me -- because I smoked to fast, it just didn't taste like much when I first tried it. But now I love it and it's a standard part of my lineup.
Same with VA's and Vapers -- as a new smoker I just couldn't get VA's. Slow smoking changed that and now I smoke more VA's than anything else.
In any case, it's hard to go wrong with the classics:
Dunhill 965

Dunhill Early Morning Pipe


Prince Albert

Samuel Gawith Squadron Leader

SG Best Brown Flake
Some newer classics are also probably a good choice for beginners:
Frog Morton original

Frog Morton on the Bayou (touch of Perique)

GLPease Chelsea Morning

Hearth and Home Magnum Opus

Hearth and Home Black House (very popular on these boards)
For aromatics, two good ones (and I don't usually like aros) are:
Peterson Connoisseur's Choice

Frog Morton's Cellar



Mar 1, 2013
WOW, thanks for the exhaustive list Pitchfork. I am starting to agree with you guys that I should pick up a few, try them in different pipes and see how it goes.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
Yaz, I fully understand the daunting task that buying tins or even bulk can seem like. You don't want to waste money on something you don't like and I full appreciate that fact. I suggest that you try a tin from different categories to see which ones you like. All of the blends I will suggest are pretty popular so if you find you do not like any, they will be very easy to trade for other blends. In terms of using the review sites( which I still use to this day) they can be a useful tool, I go to What I have done is to find someone who likes a blend that I do and see what else he likes. I only use the older members, guys like Tantric, Paddy, Sykes Willford, Beer, Eulenberg, Colonel Panic,Newman and Paul Tatum( for English blends mostly. I have similar tastes to these guys and I have found most of my favorites because of them. I also use this site and it's members once I get to know someones likes and dislikes. Back when I began sites like this did not exist. I know you have received many recommendations from the guys but it can be confusing because you are so new and you are not sure what you like yet. I smoke flake tobacco exclusively because over the years I have found that I get the most flavor and a cooler smoke from a flake. I use the cube cut method to prepare my flakes and can pack them tighter and get a cooler smoke because of cubing. If you decide you want to try some flakes then I can give you the details about the ways to prepare them. All of my suggestions should be readily available at our sponsors and take a look at 4noggins because he is running a 10% off sale for members of this site.
For a Virginia Flake I would recommend Dunhill Flake which is a great mild flake with a lot of flavor and no bite. It is readily available at almost every store.
For a Virginia/Perique Flake I would go for a tin of Escudo, it is the Vaper that all others are judged by.
For a Virginia/ Burley flake I would grab some Solani 660 Silver Flake, it is a blend of Virginia and Kentucky aka Burley.
For an aromatic flake I would get a tin of Peterson University Flake, it has a nice plum casing which is not over powering but adds some really nice sweetness and flavor to the blend.
For an English blend I would grab a tin of Frog Morton, it is a nice medium English blend.
This will give you an example of different categories which will enable you to see what you enjoy. If you find that you like one or more from each category then you can branch out into more choices from each.



Can't Leave
Mar 12, 2013
United States
I'm fairly new as well I just pick items that are along the lines of what I know I like, and some that just caught my attention. I don't like the idea of buying something that I wont enjoy...but gotta just be adventurous I guess.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 30, 2011
United Kingdom
I always suggest keeping a note book. If you make a note of what is in each blend and what you thought of it, you'll soon know which you like and more importantly which you don't. That helps you look for news blends to try that you already know contain things you like.
As others have said, scour the web for any samples you can find.
Also, remember you don't have to rush things. If you get one new blend every few months, you'll still be able to try new things.



Sep 7, 2011
Capac, Michigan
I just started buying stuff that looked good to me, and if I didn't like it, I traded it away. You can't trade on here anymore, but you could put it on briar bid



Mar 5, 2013
St. Louis, MO
+1 for the sampler; not everyone enjoys the same stuff; I'd rather get away unscathed than have to take a loss or worry about trading leftovers to find something new.



Jun 27, 2012
One thing I did was focus on who was writing the review, both on here and the review sites. If I found we had similar tastes and experiences with a specific tobacco I started paying more attention. Guy's like Harris, Roth, Ohin, Cortez, etc seemed to enjoy the same things I did so I gave their word a little extra weight on tobaccos. It isn't a 100% sure fired method, but it's been very helpful especially to a new guy like me.
That's been a huge part of the enjoyment for me just wandering down the path.



Dec 12, 2012
When I started smoking a pipe in 1980, I just picked up sample bags at whatever pipe store I happened to be visiting. it wasn't until I got a part-time job at a Tinder Box in '83 that I really dug into blends with any kind of dedication. (I've always kept a log of what I've smoked, though.) When you're standing behind a counter for 4-6 hours at a time -- and you're free to smoke anything in open jars -- you try everything. And I did. From Tropical Punch and North Sea to Sherlock's Choice and Philosopher. I had to try them, because I needed to be able to describe them and comment on them to customers. And then I started working my way through all of our tinned blends, and this particular TB maintained a great tin selection -- Dunhill, Rattray, A&C Petersen, Copes, Sobranie, Gallaher, MacBaren, Elephant & Castle, Sullivan Powell, Four Square, Three Nuns, and on and on.
I guess my point is that I smoked to educate myself about everything in the store. I wasn't looking for things I liked; I was looking to learn. And I think that can be invaluable experience for a new pipe smoker. Sure, find a favorite or two that you keep going back to. But try absolutely everything you can get your hands on. (I realize that now, with the Internet, that will be a lifetime journey!)



Mar 1, 2013
Hey guys,
That is all GREAT information and I do appreciate you sharing your knowledge with me. Thanks to a few of you I placed my first order with P&C and it should be here today. I went with Dunhill EMP, Chelsea Morning, and Frog Morton Cellar. When I saw Rich's most excellent offer to members of the site I scored myself a Peterson St Patty's Day pipe and some Charring Cross.
Puffy and Withnail - I am DEFINITELY going to keep a log of what I buy, dates, and my experiences that I get with smoking out of different pipes. I think that will help me explore new ground going forward.
Harris - I think I may be a little timid on the flake today, but when I am ready to venture into those waters I know who to reach out to.
Les - I am looking forward to that next week. Now I actually have some to share :puffy:



Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 20, 2011
Yaz, it sounds like you are off on the right foot.

I think one good way to go is whenever you are stocking up on blends you already know that you like,

add a tin of something you have never tried. You may wind up with a blend you don't like but you will

have your faves as well. And as others have said, hold on to what you don't like today because you may

find it to be great later on.

Apr 26, 2012
Washington State
If you take your pipe to the B&M, some tobacconists will let you sample a bowl for free to see if you like the blend before buying. If you know other pipe smokers or frequent a smoking lounge you'll find many are willing to share different blends for others to try. In addition to that if you buy a tin and don't like it you can always find someone to do a tobacco trade with.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 23, 2013
Look at, but there is the catch: your tastes may differ. For example, I hate Burley with passion, but many people like it. Just try different sorts, do not order a lot of tins if you're not sure.
My personal Top Five:

Dunhill Flake (Va), De Luxe Navy Rolls(Va/Per), 965 (all day English), Nightcup (strong English)
Presbyterian Mixture (Oriental)

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