I've read that others believe the pipes are pear wood or something else. I'm no expert but I'm not sure I agree. It sure looks and feels like briar to me, and most certainly doesn't look like cherry, maple, apple, or any more exotic thing like rosewoods or other rubbish that ought never to be made into a pipe. It's got the look, heft and feel of a briar pipe, including the type of grain pattern I would expect.
Like anything else in the world the quality can and will vary, but ... these look far, far superior in construction than more commonly seen basket pipes or even something like H.I.S. or whatever.
And for what it's worth, even the stain and bowl coating appear to be legit. I've had crap stains and worse bowl coating from Savinelli, Peterson and the very worst of all of the lot was a handmade Johs and if you can't depend upon a handmade Danish pipe ... well, shit.
Not to diminish any other opinion stated here, because everyone absolutely has the right to their own views, but I think these pipes are a decent product.
And there's the irony of burning a known carcinogen in one's face and then being concerned the vessel might be unhealthy :rofl:
Meh, I've been enjoying mine. YMMV. :
