I just cracked a tin of this stuff dated 12/06/12 and wow has it changed in the years since I first tried this blend. When fresh it had some rough edges from the burley that have totally gone away, I still enjoyed it fresh but I am glad I put the rest away. It is sweet and full of great Virginia flavors like raisins and figs. I get no grassy or hay type flavors as those are a total turnoff to my tastes. The rum is probably there but I cannot specifically taste it.
This is one of the blends from Pease that I can smoke as it has no red virginia's in it like many of his other blends. I am very glad I cellared this one deep. If you have any of the the original release now is a good time to crack a tin. If you want something that is going to taste great down the road, grab some. I know the description says some reds, but it has to be a minuscule amount as it doesn't bother me in the least.
This is one of the blends from Pease that I can smoke as it has no red virginia's in it like many of his other blends. I am very glad I cellared this one deep. If you have any of the the original release now is a good time to crack a tin. If you want something that is going to taste great down the road, grab some. I know the description says some reds, but it has to be a minuscule amount as it doesn't bother me in the least.