After about ten years of heavy cigarette smoking, I decided last July to drop cigarettes all together. I made an easy and instantaneous transition to e-gigs without skipping a beat. If you've ever seen a nebulizer that an asthmatic might use to administer albuterol... well, the e-cigs are a compact version of the same device, and the drug of choice is nicotine. I do not enjoy "vaping". I do not see it as glamorous, or cool. I do not do it for the fancy flavours. For me, vaping is a tool used to closely control the dosage of nicotine administered, slowly working my way down the levels, toward the end goal of no longer being addicted to nicotine. I started at 26mg, have worked my way down to 8mg, and will soon be at 0mg and will be able to put it down forever, leaving me nothing but to smoke and enjoy only my pipes, for which I have never had a "chemical dependency".
The packaging of the vaporizer does not concern me, and I see no sense in making one look like a pipe. Furthermore, as a pipemaker, I have had the not so pleasurable experience of being offended when asked if I would consider making "e-pipes" to reach this expanding market. I would no sooner make a pipe shaped food-processor.
This thing is not a pipe. It is a pipe shaped tool.