Here are the gubbermint rules for personal radios:
Personal Radio Services
Personal radio services are short-range, low-power radio communications using devices that operate much like walkie-talkies. Personal radio services include one- and two-way voice services, data services and remote-control transmissions that operate
For family channel radios like my new ones, 2 watts is the max and no special license is needed.
About two miles of useful range on the new 2 watt radios seems to be the norm.
I follow the law.
I require everyone I invite to my farm also follow the law.
It’s not I’m a do gooder, or holier than thou, following the law is a simple way to live to comb gray hair and not dread anything.
My farm is a mile long, and a half mile wide. 2 watts is plenty.
By deer season every hunter at my farm will have one of these issued.
In Polk County Missouri a hunter can buy Unlimted antlerless deer tags, $7 each.
I do not charge my friends to deer hunt. If I did I’d disgrace the memory of my ancestors who tried to legally kill every deer on our place since 1876.
My farm was a dairy farm, and you can have alfalfa or deer, not both.
We haven’t had alfalfa or dairy cows since 1971, but deer are still considered varmits by me.
Besides, all deer go to the poor and needy.
Old time sons of the pioneer farmers, of which I’m one, don’t eat deer, and I’m too old to develop a taste for it now.![]()
I stand corrected, forgot that 2W was okay on FRS. Had a lot of fun with family and friends using Realistic and Cobra CBs when I was a lad. I'm actually in the commercial/ industrial/Public Safety radio communications business for the past 25 or so years.