Yesterday, I heard that Microsoft was going to integrate this Chatgpt into Bing to compete with Google. I cracked up. I just couldn't imagine someone turning a search over to simulated AI, to... lets say... "plan me a vacation in Hawaii." This is a Chat bot that has been repeatedly wrong on most tasks over and over. So, it gets you flown into Hawaii, and then buys you tickets to the Grand Canyon, and books you a campsite at Yellowstone... for the same vacation package.
Plus, compete with Google? come on? Besides turning that much of your brain over to the stupidest chatbot, how does this compete with the best search engine on the www? Why not just make Bing give us relevant returns on a search? It was one of the worst search engines.
So, to make a stupid situation worse, Google decided to go code red and come up with their own chatbot.
I guess I am just out of touch with how stupid people want to be. Driverless cars just seems like the stupidest idea ever. Chatbots just seems moronic. Do people just want to ghost through life not thinking or being in control of their lives anymore. Is this the result of pot being legalized? Are we really getting this stupid as a society... or has these big www corporations just misjudging the market like I think they are?
I just think of all of the people who think that AI is really drawing the AI pictures they see in the media. This is not AI, ha ha.