Rodo, if you look back through the archives here, you will see that this subject has been discussed ad nauseum. While I've yet to see a well designed research project on the matter, peer reviewed and published in a well respected journal of tobacco research, anecdotal evidence leads to a few semi-reliable conclusions: By the time that pipe tobacco is fully processed, it has spent a lot of time in aerobic conditions. Further exposure to a well-oxygenated environment doesn't do much to improve flavor characteristics, and in time will degrade the product. Anaerobic conditions post manufacturing will at worst help preserve the product and in most cases will improve it, especially if the tobacco has a higher sugar content.
To that end, it's generally considered best practice to pack jars for cellaring as tightly as possible. I would go as far as to say that it would be best to flush the jars with CO2 before sealing.
Your Stonehaven was already sealed and probably in a low oxygen condition. It would be best to continue in that direction. It's one of the reasons that I usually don't jar Esoterica products for cellaring. I'll just double-bag them in heat-sealed Mylar.