I'm enjoying a bowl of this homemade OTC blend in a well-worn cob with a glass of oatmeal stout, and it's fantastic! Just thought I'd share. I just tossed this together, probably about 8 parts Carter Hall, 1 part 1Q, and 1 part BCA. That might be a bit of an overestimate on the ratio of Carter to 1Q and BCA, but point is, it's mostly Carter with just a dash of the other stuff.
I mainly smoke english blends, and I definitely enjoy the occasional aromatic, but have felt a bit let down on their general lack of taste. Problem solved! This is exactly what I imagined a pipe to taste like when I was younger and would smell my stepdad's and uncle's pipes smoking Captain Black / 1Q / whatever other aro that smells great and tastes like hot air. I'll definitely be smoking more of this :puffpipe:
I mainly smoke english blends, and I definitely enjoy the occasional aromatic, but have felt a bit let down on their general lack of taste. Problem solved! This is exactly what I imagined a pipe to taste like when I was younger and would smell my stepdad's and uncle's pipes smoking Captain Black / 1Q / whatever other aro that smells great and tastes like hot air. I'll definitely be smoking more of this :puffpipe: