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Apr 24, 2015



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
At least everyone one of us on the forum is comfortable with some form of electronic communications utilizing the ether. A true "Luddite" could never appear here. Well, unless they were forced to dictate their opinions to a cyber knowledgeable individual.



Jan 27, 2013
" or I should say disturbing, to watch people milling about with their heads bent down over their precious phones and totally oblivious to their surroundings and other people. It's almost like watching mindless zombies... very sad indeed and it makes me feel grateful that I grew up in a different time."
Yup! I think it is contributing to people becoming impersonal and or detached, lurkers, unable or unwilling to articulate their emotions. Texting necessitates brief communications. This brings about a lack of emotional ownership. Lack of manners etc. Not seeing someones face or tone of voice frequently leads to miscommunication. We see this even on our forum. Words frequently need a tone of voice or facial expression to properly indicate how they are intended by the speaker or communicator to be taken. We use the emicons(SP) to help with this very thing!
There was a time when people waited to get to talk with someone about a matter. With technology we have become an impatient people. Everything is now, I want it now, I need it now, this will just take a minute! We have lost the patience the world moved at. Like pipes, we are forced to slow down in order to appreciate the experience. Those of us who can remember "when" think of it as a golden time. Things were slower and people, by and large were kinder. We had penicillin to aid in illness but did not yet have computers. It is a trade off. We must fight becoming the machines we have invented. Fast, efficient,detached, impatient, robots. I may be wrong but when folks say I do not understand what is happening , I have come to believe that all this need for speed is a self perpertrating problem 8O



Dec 14, 2013
@ seacaptain,
That is the exact same picture of what I see from my front window when the kids from the local high school get out each afternoon. More likely than not these very same zombies are texting to the kid that they are walking next to. Like I previously said... very sad and disturbing.



Sep 8, 2014
Moody, AL
Something ironic about the previous generation judging the actions and lifestyles that came after. Hypocrisy I believe it's called. Every generation looks at the next this way. It's tired. Nothing has changed. Not a thing. Only sped up the speed at which communication travels, like each generation prior. The same.

I was told that playing those handheld football video games with three blinky lights was going to lead to being anti-social.


Listening to rock and roll was going to make me evil and mistreat women, or something like that.

And, Miley Cyrus being the destruction of human morals? Ha ha ha, she doesn't hold a slutty torch to Madonna or Cindy Lauper.
No, Nate is right. The current generation always gets amnesia when it comes to comparing today to yesterday. Hindsight is not necessarily 20/20, but more like rose colored glasses.
Anyone want a pet rock?



Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 19, 2014
Well Nate and cosmic are correct. The Vets always have issues with the fucking new guy (FNG)! My father used to jump my forth point of contact for rolling up my sleeves on T-shirts. Then one day I find some pics of him as a teen.... guess who used to do the same thing, yep my father lol! Used to take up to and maybe exceeding a year for a letter to cross the pond and back, assuming it ever did. They would be amazed at the current post office that we complain is so slow, old and young do that. Covered wagons to the west could take a year but was also faster depending on route and guide. Today I can fly from coast to cost in five hours if I remember correctly. Funny thing is I am not a huge fan of the FNG myself. Heck 60 some odd years ago 18 to 20ish men were jumping over France and charging heavily fortified Beach's again in France. Now days they have safe zones at University so they do not feel picked on. The NFL should called the National Flag Football League (NFFL) please do not actually hurt anyone on the field or you get penalized. I remember when football was a 60 minute war best keep your head on a swivel and fly around the field or someone would headhunt you! I could go on for quite a while after all I am working hard on becoming a grumpy old man!! :rofl:



Jan 27, 2013
"Something ironic about the previous generation judging the actions and lifestyles that came after. Hypocrisy I believe it's called."
I did not exclude our generation becoming part of the problem, Nate.

In regards to absolutely nothing changes, when I was a kid , no one came to school and started shooting folks.
I said: "We must fight becoming the machines we have invented. Fast, efficient,detached, impatient, robots. I may be wrong but when folks say I do not understand what is happening , I have come to believe that all this need for speed is a self perpertrating problem 8O"
I said we ( older generation) could remember when everyone (young and old) had a slower life style. Technological advancement often brings a trade off, the point is to watch for the negative sides to it and make sure you do not become a part of the problem. :lol:
I stand by the statement that technologies can change cultures. Whether to the good or bad will depend on folks being astute enough to recognize it! Frog, pot, boil .
Don't be thinned skinned boys, your time is coming, and believe me, it will. :lol:

The happiest people I know don't use any technology at all, at least past 1980. There is this one guy, a good customer of mine, who is mega wealthy, doesn't use a cell phone, nor any computers at all. He has people that you have to call, and he will get back to you when he feels that it is convenient. When he visits my shop, he is always in a good mood, and you'd better not answer a cell phone around him, or he just leaves.

Another is my old college roommate. He has never had a computer, nor used one. He still has an answering machine that he checks when it is convenient for him. When I go with him to run an errand or something, he is never stressed nor bothered by anyone. It is refreshing.

99% of the things that were meant to be timesaving devices turned out to be timesucks, wasting tons of our time trying to figure them out. Computer systems salesmen have tried to sell me, inventory control, blah blah blah, all big wastes of time. After their schpiel, of entering inventory, ordering, sales. yaddi yaddi, multiple saves, backups, entering data, this thing, that thing. He asks me how long it takes me to do all of that now, and I just show him my ledger, which takes me maybe 20 minutes a week.

No, most technologies are a waste of time, and far inferior to the old ways. But, they can be fun. I am just not buying into anything technology related being a timesaver. The first time a back up crashes or you loose data... and the computer gets tossed into the garbage.



Apr 24, 2015
I was told that playing those handheld football video games with three blinky lights was going to lead to being anti-social.
Oh man, I had that exact same game as a kid! It was the absolute cheesiest, stupidest handheld game ever, but yet I played it for hours.
Anyone want a pet rock?
LOL, I had one of those too. :lol:



Apr 24, 2015
The happiest people I know don't use any technology at all, at least past 1980.
This is where I'd really like to end up someday. Unfortunately for now, my job requires me to have computers, cell phones, internet access etc.
What's funny is, my boss is submitting budget proposals for next year and asked me if I'd like a 24" monitor and docking station.
No thanks. I'm good with just my laptop.



Apr 24, 2015
In regards to absolutely nothing changes, when I was a kid , no one came to school and started shooting folks.
Exactly. Then in 1990 the Feds made schools "gun free zones" for the "safety" of the children.

We had a kid bring a gun to school when I was a teen. He was stoned on pot or something. I also remember watching wars in the streets of Harlem and Detroit on the news. But, we only had two hours of news a day on three channels. We weren't inundated with a news events all day long, day after day. Crime statistics are actually down from the 80's, less murder and more solved cases today than ever before. We just hear the same junk, over and over and over. I hate watching the news. It has become more of an entertainment to make people disturbed and full of fear and hate. I'd rather just listen to my news on the radio. I get more news events told to me in an hour, than I would get from watching TV news all day long.



Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 19, 2014
Heck cosmic at my highschool many of us outdoor type would bring in our shotguns or rifles and locked them in our lockers! This was to keep them from being stolen out of our rigs. If the barrel was too long, we just put them in the Vice Principals office closet. Which was not as good a place as we tended to skip school a bit and go hunting which is hard to explain to the VP as you grabbed your weapon lol! We were expected to be responsible firearmsmen and we were no shootings in school at all. Mostly because of fear of dad who would kick the shit out you if you did something stupid. Ahhhhhh when dads were dads and not your friend. :rofl:



Jan 27, 2013
"We just hear the same junk, over and over and over. I hate watching the news. It has become more of an entertainment to make people disturbed and full of fear and hate. I'd rather just listen to my news on the radio. I get more news events told to me in an hour, than I would get from watching TV news all day long."
When I quit watching TV News my blood pressure dropped 20 points. Listening to selective radio. :)

1n the 50's ans early 60's I don't think it would have occurred to us to shoot up a school. Guess we just had limited imaginations :roll:



Apr 24, 2015
Also, if you didn't want to be there, you were encouraged to quit. Now, we force kids to stay in school with driver's license coercion, and in Alabama, you are not permitted to work if you drop out. I say, you don't want to be there, get a job... and let them get a job.
Agreed. Schools get money based on attendance though. No incentive to change.

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