For cat guys and gals, I came across a factoid online which sounds generally credible; our domestic cats share 95% of their genetics with tigers. This seems entirely possible since the "basic cat design" is widely shared among cats of all sizes. Many don't know that big cats were once prevalent throughout the world including in Europe and North America, and now of course their smaller editions thrive nearly everywhere there are people, and a number of small cats still exist in the wild, including extra small species that live almost entirely on bugs. Cats of all sizes have short digestive tracts that can only handle protein, that is, prey animals. Cats eat a few plants (as you've noticed) but this seems to scour out their intestines, or act as an emetic, and don't provide much or any nutrition, although I've noticed it does kill a few of our houseplants. Dogs, like people, are omnivorous and eat meat, plants, fruit, grain, etc., as do bears. Coincidentally, one of our in-house tigers just landed in my lap. They read minds too.