I love these tobaccos, they are pleasing to smell, great room note, smooth without bite and burn clean.
What category do these tobaccos fall into and what other blends are similar to them, both I purchased by chance, my first order was 14oz Carter Hall and 2oz Capt Black - White .. I didn't mind the White but found it sublime when mixing 50/50 with Carter Hall.. Other tobaccos I order that don't quite appeal to me I generally mix with Carter Hall and enjoy the mix as a change from straight Carter Hall or 4noggins Three Blind Moose.
I would appreciate your help with other blends in this category, whatever it is (Laktikas maybe?)
Thanks in advance
- Steve
What category do these tobaccos fall into and what other blends are similar to them, both I purchased by chance, my first order was 14oz Carter Hall and 2oz Capt Black - White .. I didn't mind the White but found it sublime when mixing 50/50 with Carter Hall.. Other tobaccos I order that don't quite appeal to me I generally mix with Carter Hall and enjoy the mix as a change from straight Carter Hall or 4noggins Three Blind Moose.
I would appreciate your help with other blends in this category, whatever it is (Laktikas maybe?)
Thanks in advance
- Steve