^^THIS^^The funny part too is that if you actually research the church of Satan, they follow the exact inverse of this practical ideology. They don't actually teach to worship a baby-eating blood-drinking demon who lives in a furnace. They teach you to worship yourself... that your individual ego and fleeting desires should be held above all else.
...and once you're in that self-worship modality, the next logical step is self-determination, making your own rules, or laws even. Which means overruling the rules/laws that were already in place for us to follow, and that never ends well. Just ask Eve.
As a continuation of the semantics I delved into earlier in this thread, it's also interesting to note that the Latin "ditio" means "self-rule," which is the basis for "dition" in words like "sedition." Add the prefix "per-" to "dition," which means by or through, and you have...perdition. Which the dictionary defines as "the loss of one's soul." A loss that occurs when you...rule yourself.
Wait...isn't that what countries are all about? Self-rule?

Jeez, no wonder things are the way they are!