I miss that forum, spread some great schizzle there...I think I read this thread 20 years ago on pseudointellectualpipenerds.org
I miss that forum, spread some great schizzle there...I think I read this thread 20 years ago on pseudointellectualpipenerds.org
Certainly.No, wait, more bed of nails...we haven't arrived at the argo, art gothic, agotique, argot, and archtectonic, the facade, the thing that stands for something else only hinted at-- the phonetic cabala of words!! Ligion sounds like Legion-- many, a group, we've previously covered re, to do again re-member as opposed to dismember. Re-group... It's mind boggling what people can parse together out of crumbs. Religion is the chemical coniunctio not the Alchemical Coniunctio! The materialist's premature version of re-unification, a penny side show perhaps? Sorry, that may have hurt me more than you, but someone had to say it![]()
Jung naming his pot Habakkuk reminds me of the story of Habakkuk carrying his bowl to Daniel in the lion's den.Been reading Kingsley's Catafalque: Carl Jung and the End of Humanity, great insightful read if you're interested in Jung and have an idea of his thought. It may sound bleak but it isn't. Came across this and thought it apropos for the clan here:
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And the footnotes:
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View attachment 221940
Daniel 14:
33. Now the prophet Hab′akkuk was in Judea. He had boiled pottage and had broken bread into a bowl, and was going into the field to take it to the reapers
37. Then Hab′akkuk shouted, “Daniel, Daniel! Take the dinner which God has sent you.”
RSVCE translation
Bible Gateway passage: Daniel 14 - Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition
Daniel and the Priests of Bel - When King Asty′ages was laid with his fathers, Cyrus the Persian received his kingdom. And Daniel was a companion of the king, and was the most honored of his friends. Now the Babylonians had an idol called Bel, and every day they spent on it twelve bushels of...www.biblegateway.com
Old Greek
33. And it happened on the sixth day, and Hambakoum was having bread broken in a bowl of boiled soup and a jar of mixed wine and was on his way to the plain to the reapers.
34. And an angel of the Lord spoke to Hambakoum, saying, “This is what God says to you: the food that you have, take it to Daniel, the one of Baltasar, in the lions’ pit in Babylon.”
35. And Hambakoum said, “Lord God, I have not seen Babylon, and I do not know where the pit is.”
36. And when the angel of the Lord had taken Hambakoum by the hair of his head, he set him down above the pit that was in Babylon.
37. And Hambakoum said to Daniel, “Rise! Eat the food that God has sent you.”
38. And Daniel said, “For the Lord God who does not forsake those who love him has remembered me.”
39. And Daniel ate. Then the angel of the Lord put Hambakoum whence he took him on that same day
How is personality to be defined? Etymologically the word implies social presentation, or that part of us that manifests socially, whether or not we are conscious of it in all its manifested aspects; yet the word seems commonly to be understood as individuality, as 'person' in law. I'll go with the first.Jung maintained that one’s personality is inherited, which may explain why many of us claim to smoke a pipe because our grandfather, or father, or favorite uncle did. That assumes of course that smoking a pipe is indeed part of one’s personality. I think is is.
Maybe its just a natural reaction to all the stress caused by the stupidity, corruption and violence of the world; a desire for a simpler time of love, protection and comfort, which would explain the popularity of the P-Lip stem !Recent genomic research has confirmed that certain behavioural patterns are programmed into an individual's DNA, ...
Pipe smoking does seem to me to fall into that category ...
No pipe smokers in my family at least as far back as 4 generations. Addiction can be part of one's personality, so pipe smoking could one way to express that trait.Jung maintained that one’s personality is inherited, which may explain why many of us claim to smoke a pipe because our grandfather, or father, or favorite uncle did. That assumes of course that smoking a pipe is indeed part of one’s personality. I think is is.
I'll second that. As long as people are enjoying themselves, great, but as someone who has read and enjoyed/learned from a good portion of Jung's work, I've learned that it's difficult to discuss Jung in a forum like this. People pop in, admit they know little or nothing about the subject, then tell you he's nuts and his work is b.s. I guess that's fine as long as it's civil.I just fell down the rabbit-hole of this thread whilst searching around the web for information about whether Carl Jung named his pipes as well as his grandfather's tobacco-jar. This was prompted by Poo-Bah's naming a pipe of his 'Emina'. And whether all pipes are considered as feminine (which they are, in the three languages I speak where things have gender). (Mrs Badger has a Freudian explanation for that).
Fascinating, gentlemen, and thank you. I've learned quite a bit from it. I am now processing that interview video with Dr. Jung. I may have something to contribute later.
It's a hallmark characteristic of populist demagogues that they can take anything and twist it out of shape. I can't think of any new horizon achieved in human understanding, that the buggers haven't messed with and misrepresented, from the teachings of Zarathushtra onwards. The fact that in doing so they have soiled the endeavours of those whose only wish was to advance human understanding, should not prevent our studying them.The idea of personality being inherited was very popular in the day and especially in Europe. Its a concept that has to be well tempered and carefully qualified. Otherwise, it can (and did) become twisted into some of the ugliest events of the 20th century. An intersting concept in the hands of tyrants or the masses can become deadly.
Perhaps meaning to embrace the 'Royal herb' or 'King's Herb' not dissimilar to Tolkien's Athelas or Kingsfoil in the LOTR - a healing herb of the King; both fragrant with healing properties that repel pests."...for some unaccountable reason bore the name Habbakuk..." -
I like it. After reading ‘the Red Book’ and the Black Books (pure Jung thoughts with no sterilization), I wouldn’t be surprised if the name didn’t just come to him in a dream.Perhaps meaning to embrace the 'Royal herb' or 'King's Herb' not dissimilar to Tolkien's Athelas or Kingsfoil in the LOTR - a healing herb of the King; both fragrant with healing properties that repel pests.
This^ as far as I'm concerned.“look kid, there’s only two things you need to know about god: 1) there is one, and 2) you ain’t it”.
Perhaps the “Higher power” is your self. It’s always there, just disguised/hidden by the person.This^ as far as I'm concerned.
One of the greatest insights I'd ever heard was in my "Drugs, Alcohol, & Society" elective I took in college where we had a group of AA members talk to us about their experiences.
One of the members said something to the effect of "I always had an issue in the beginning with the idea of Jesus until I was reminded the steps do not mention him.. they mention the Higher Power. I'd finally realized that whatever I'd thought about 'God' was irrelevant... for the point I needed to understand was there will always be a power higher than myself. Right now, you all here (motioning to us, the class) are my higher power. You are a collection of individuals that is greater than myself. Right now in this moment I give myself to you."
I cannot get my head around the God I was taught about in my Catholic school but I certainly can understand what that man was saying and how surrendering yourself to it puts your life into perspective (a state of grace?) that other philosophies cannot.
The funny part too is that if you actually research the church of Satan, they follow the exact inverse of this practical ideology. They don't actually teach to worship a baby-eating blood-drinking demon who lives in a furnace. They teach you to worship yourself... that your individual ego and fleeting desires should be held above all else.
Along with the psychological proof we have that anxiety and depression are actually directly correlated with how often one obsesses over their own idea of themselves and their feelings, whereas those whom tend to report happier contented lives are those who think and do for others more often than themselves.... I think we can see that we make our own heavens and hells, angels and demons, right here for everyone to witness; without even having to concern ourselves with the supernatural/afterlife.
Afaic, God is everything. And God is truth. And everything is truly greater than just me. Therefore I (try everyday to) forfeit my vanity of control over reality to the awe and greatness at the expanse of it.. and doing what I can for the others that make it up as I am able... and living as truthfully to reality as possible. Therefore I believe in and worship "God" as best I can through my manner of living. The end.
Before I read this, I was going to reply, in broad agreement with NookersTheCat, that there is such a thing as the Microcosm, a spark, as it were, of the creative divine fire, generated in the likeness of the Ultimate Power. The besetting human problem, it seems to me, lies in the conflation of the ego with the self.Perhaps the “Higher power” is your self. It’s always there, just disguised/hidden by the person.