Captain Bob's Blend

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Sep 7, 2011
Capac, Michigan
Let me start off by saying that for those that don't know, I'm not big on aros, but this one has won me over. It was made by Cornell & Diehl for our very own captainbob. The label says:
Named and developed for our friend and customer Capt. Bob Coffey. A blend of Virginias and Burleys with just a dash of Latakia and Perique and finished with a refreshing flavor
I remember Bob saying that the "refreshing flavor" was grape. The tin note is predominantly grape at first sniff, but a few more sniffs, and you can pick out a bit of the Latakia mustiness. The scent of the Burleys and Virginias are lost in the grape scent. The Periques smell isn't really there, probably because it is used as a condiment. Not as a main flavor component. And also because it often has a stewed fruit smell. The same goes for the Latakia, it is containmental. The flavor is wonderful. You get a nice tobacco taste, with the grape coming through on the exhale. The grape is stronger if you exhale through your nose or inhale. It isn't in your face, but it isn't subdued either. The flavoring is just right. The Virginias and Burleys make a great base flavor, with the tang of the Virginias really complimenting the grape. The Latakia adds a nice body and very slight creaminess to the blend, but it doesn't make it taste like Lat. I couldn't really pick out the Perique in the two bowl I've had, probably because Perique often lends a fruitiness to a blend, and the flavoring of this blend is a fruit. A few more bowls and I might be able to pick it out. It's possible I didn't get much in the bowls I had. All in all, it's a great blend, that is definitely worth trying. It's different, but often different is a good thing.



Nov 12, 2012
Uber, nice review. I still can't personally get past the grape, but if you like it go for it. But as for the review nice job



Sep 7, 2011
Capac, Michigan
Wait is this the capn bob that posts here?

Yes it is. He talks about it often. He doesn't get any money for the sales of it, he just likes promoting C&D

I still can't personally get past the grape, but if you like it go for it.

I thought I wasn't gonna like it because of the grape, but was pleasently suprised.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 20, 2012
I have really enjoyed it. It is a blend I have to be in the mood for, but when I am, it's a very good smoke.
Nice job on the review, Thank you.



Feb 20, 2013
Thanks for the review.
I actually have some of this on my next "to buy" list :) After seeing some of Bob's posts I took a look at his added pictures...then realized what it was and figured it was something that I "need" to try.



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
An aromatic with real flavor. Sounds like more than a few lovers of good aromatic blends, as well as puffers who are looking to try something really different, might well enjoy. Thanks for the review, Uber!
:worship: Good words Roth.




Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 20, 2011
I find it really good as a change of pace.

I would also recommend their Captain Bob's Pot O Gold Mixture, very nice maple flavor.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 5, 2010
Thank you for the kind words, all of you. I do smoke CBB everyday. But, I also smoke the other two blends in the Series, Captain Bob's Pot O' Gold Mixture and Captain Bob's Ship's Mate Blend. All are available by direct order from C&D. I'll be happy to answer any questions anyone might have about my three C&D blends. Just post your questions under this topic so I can find them and post an answer.




May 22, 2012
Amazing review Uber, you should be part of our review group :) I will have to try this blend out because of it. Captain Bob, you are the man :) It must be really nice to have a set of blends named after yourself by a major pipe tobacco company!



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 5, 2010
Eric and Uberam3rica,
The description of Captain Bob's Pot O' Gold Mixture: This blend combines an excellent medley of premium Red and Lemon Virginia leaf, large Burley flakes and an element of Izmir Turkish. A special ingredient is a small amount of Red Virginia Cavendish with a very light Maple flavor. This is truly a satisfying and smooth all day smoke for the Virginia lover. Tastes like a Flake in a Traditional-cut!
The description of Captain Bob's Ship's Mate Blend: A light aromatic and buttery smooth blend of Red Virginia, Cavendish-Cut Burley and Black Cavendish. It is finished with a light Neopolitan flavoring. Think of Chocolate, Vanilla and Strawberry. The tobacco flavor is up-front but ever so smooth. There is no bite. Only a pleasant and satisfying all-day smoke with a wonderful room note! (Craig Tarler complimented me on the Blend Description and I shall always hold that compliment very dear to my heart!)
Eric, it is truly an honor to have been friends with the late Craig Tarler of C&D and an honor to carry on the friendship with Chris Tarler. I have known Chris almost as long as I knew Craig. Craig and I worked together to create the series for over three years. Chris Tarler, Craig's son, is doing a fantastic job of carrying on the business. It was in the works for several years. It is true that "the apple does not fall far from the tree"! Never hesitate to call C&D and ask to speak to Chris Tarler. He is very helpful. Please tell him that Captain Bob sent you.




Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 5, 2010
Is there anywhere I can get Pot O' Gold and Ship mates blend other then direct from C&D?
You can always request it from your etailer or tobacco shop. I know that has Captain Bob's Blend at this location:




Sep 7, 2011
Capac, Michigan
I know pipes has Capt. Bob's blend, thats where I got my tin. I was just asking so that I could add them to my next order. I suppose I could just make my next order all C&D blends.

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