Captain Bob's Blend: I am dissapointed...

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 4, 2012
SF Bay Area
Bob, if you have a problem, why not just call or email Chris Tarler or even Sykes himself and talk to either one of them, instead of having a tantrum in public? For pete's sake, there's got to be a better way to address this than a thread on an internet forum.
Also: guess what? It doesn't matter. It's just tin art. I'll bet you have the original print somewhere, framed on a wall. That's great! Does it really matter, beyond that?



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 5, 2010
planetary, the communication efforts have been upfront with the parties involved. I appreciate your comments and they are certainly realistic. Chris Tarler has nothing to say about the tin artwork. Sykes is in control and I will not fight with him on it. This is his business and he gets to make the decisions. If his decisions affect the sales it will be his problem and not mine as I receive no royalties. It's just that I have been inundated with questions from blend followers and felt that I should express my views with my fellow forum friends. Thank you for your comments. Below is the "gift" of a large framed poster from C&D commemorating the success of my blend. It was a gift from Craig Tarler.




Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 5, 2010
I have sent Sykes a PM and asked that he participate in this discussion. It is not my intent to create animosity between C&D patrons and Sykes Wilford. While I do not personally see the advantage of changing the presentation label of C&D blends, that decision remains with Sykes. I agree that the "proof is in the pudding" and I also believe that while the presentation label may change, it will not change the contents!




Starting to Get Obsessed
May 30, 2010
Longs, SC
Alright, I'll do my best on this. A couple of quick things before I seriously launch into it. Our goal is to make C&D better. I think we've already done a lot towards that end. And, I write yet again, we're not doing away with the blend specific artwork. Not all of it is staying the same, but with the exception of Captain Bob's Blend (explanation to follow), everything that used to have full artwork will continue to have full artwork.
1) On Captain Bob's Blend's artwork. I was unaware of a special deal that Craig made with Bob regarding the artwork. That's not Bob's fault; it's mine. Part of the challenge with C&D is that there were about four exceptions to every rule and nineteen side amendments to every relationship. Craig kept all that in his head. I'm pretty sure that there are huge chunks of that information that were never passed to Chris. It worked fine for Craig, both because C&D was a lot smaller then, and because Craig was really good at keeping certain sorts of information straight in his head. I was certainly unaware (read on) that Bob had paid separately for the artwork.
When we started (and by we, I mean mostly Chris, Keith and I, with help from others at Laudisi) trying to make sense of everything at C&D, we organized the blends into different mental buckets: blends that were just tinned, blends that were just bulk, blends that were bulk, but occasionally tinned, and blends that were tinned, but occasionally also in bulk. Within those, they might come in as many as six or seven different formats.
We used the 'generic' new artwork to replace the old generic artwork--the labels that had either been typed (yeah, literally, with a typewriter) or printed on a laser printer.
We screwed up with Captain Bob's blend and didn't realize it wasn't with all of the other bulks and we'd made the new artwork for it and printed that artwork before we realized otherwise. C&D has a very long tail of blends that it makes pretty tiny quantities of (our minimum run is less than 1% the size of Mac Baren or Orlik's minimum run size) and CBB is pretty far along that tail.
2) On the cartoon artwork in general:
Some of it is changing, some of it is staying as close to the original as we can, some is not changing. But, if it had full artwork before, it will continue to do so. Here's the story:
For blends that had any artwork, C&D had artwork for 2oz labels and sometimes had artwork for round stickers. The round stickers were used for all sorts of purposes, with a blank space left to write in the weight (so they could go on 8oz tins, 100g tins, 16oz tins, 16oz bags, 16oz vacuumed bags etc). We didn't like the round labels for a handful of reasons: 1) They looked ugly on the blue backing paper on 8oz tins, 2) there was no room for a blend description on those tins. Sometimes C&D applied the description to the back, separately printed, sometimes they didn't. Either way, no one (at least, no one at C&D or Laudisi) liked the 8oz tins with the round sticker labels (and there were a handful of business-y reasons we didn't like them too: they were fiddly, so applying them was slow and results were uneven and they were expensive).
We also received flat pdf files of the labels, not the original artwork that was created for the labels. In order to make nice 8oz labels, we had a couple of options:
Redesign, but heavily incorporating the original:
Shoehorning of existing artwork into new 8oz format (basically no change to 2oz, but making a proper 8oz label):
Complete re-imagining of the artwork:
What we did where depended on a lot of different factors:

1) How would the original work out on an 8oz label?

2) How good (yes, in our opinion) was the original? Was it iconic (Cross-Eyed Cricket)? Was it terribly busy (5 O'Clock Shadow)?

3) Did we think we could do something better?
But, with the exception of Captain Bob's Blend, if it had full-blown custom artwork before, it will continue to do so. Mostly it's not changing or not changing much.
We can revisit CBB once we get the rest of the line sorted (and we're starting to get close).



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 5, 2010
Sykes, thank you very much for your explanation and clarification. I appreciate your response as I am sure our fellow forum members will, as well.




Oct 10, 2013
Sykes, thanks for stepping in and bringing the wild-eyed postulating to a halt. I can say with great confidence that I was pretty much entirely wrong.



Feb 13, 2013
Winnipeg, Canada
@Swilford love most of the C&D blends I've tried so far, the last thing I consider when purchasing tobacco is tin art. I've seen several different products I'm a loyal customer (the dogfood I buy etc..) go through labeling changes. The important thing to me is what's in the product and it the ingredients remain the same. Kudos for stopping in and telling your side of the story.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 4, 2012
SF Bay Area
Bob, thank you very much for the explanation. That poster print is really neat. And for what it's worth, I'm sorry that I took a harsh tone.
Very glad to hear Sykes' comments as well.



Jul 11, 2014
North Central Florida
I sympathize with the Captain. His legacy has been tarnished. If I'd developed a blend that sold successfully, AND had provided the artwork, AND,AND, had done so for the enjoyment of my blend without remuneration, I would not feel good about the changes we have seen discussed.

If someone was going to sell a blend I'd developed, at no profit to me, but with my 'handle' as its trade name, I'd have a sense of loss about anything I might have contributed to its success if it were changed without my input.

It looks like an honest mistake.

Let's all smoke a bowl and come out smiling.

At least, Captain Bob, they didn't tell you to go fly a kite!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 8, 2014
South Carolina
I think the biggest take away from all of this is communication. This all could have been cleared up relatively quickly if Capt. Bob would have contacted Sykes earlier.
If you have something to bitch about, make sure you bitch to the right people (as in the people that can make changes).
I understand the Capt. Bob had a personal and emotional investment in the blend and its art. But a little communication in the right direction could have avoided a shitload of misgivings and speculation.
Just my $0.02.
Oh, and I will probably buy some of Capt. Bob's Blend to try it out. And when I do, it will be from! :)



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 5, 2010
I received a call from Chris Tarler today. We had a very nice chat about all of this. I want all of you to know that I am completely reassured that the blends that have artwork changes (including CBB)have not had blend changes. Your C&D favorites remain the same on the inside. All problems have been resolved and I remain a loyal C&D fan and a patron of Thank you all for sharing your views and I am especially thankful for your kind words and encouragement.




Oct 12, 2011
All's well that ends well! Glad it ended well for a GREAT blend, and wonderful people...



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 5, 2010
As I promised...
Today, I received my 16 ounce "bulk order of CBB". I have enjoyed the "new" label. It is not the original artwork that I personally paid for. But, a label in "purple" was attached to the "bulk-bag-order" of 16 ounces and the "description" of my blend was precise on the label, as I was hoping for, and the contents of CBB did not disappoint me. I have been smoking from this 16 ounce plastic bag all night and I am very pleased both with the label and the smoking experience. While I am disappointed with the decision to discontinue the original artwork that I personally paid for ($350), I was pleased that they chose "purple" and included my description of my blend on the label. Therefore, I am pleased with not only the new label, but the inclusion of the blend description. I do not receive any remuneration or royalties for the sale of my blend. I authorized and agreed to the new label. I gave my permission to Chris Tarler to proceed with the production of CBB and the new label without any form of royalti8es to me. I paid $41.62 including $9.40 for standard shipping/handling to me in Wisconsin and I received it in three days! Therefore, I am assuring loyal CBB smokers to continue enjoying my C&D blend without hesitation and to order it from in bulk for the best price! Yes, I shall always regret and miss the original artwork that I paid for that Craig Tarler commissioned for my blend. But, if you like my blend, please be assured that you can still smoke it and enjoy it regardless of the change in label. You can trust ME on this!




Can't Leave
Jan 18, 2011
FWIW, as soon as the merger was announced I downloaded the C&D website to my hard drive to preserve the information, mostly descriptions, anticipating changes. In retrospect, I guess I have copies of the old artwork as well. Now just where did I put those files?....



May 20, 2011
I'm now totally confused!! I thought this was a forum for pipe smokers but it seems as if I've got it all wrong. It's all about art on little tins which advertises the BBC or something? Who is this wanna be captain who does most of the ranting? An art collector of sorts who produces his stuff in a kitchen? And what does he produce? Looks a lot like dog poo on a dinner plate there! I'm sorry if I've got it all mixed up but this is Greek to me.
Will/can someone please explain to me what's going on?



Feb 6, 2013
I'm now totally confused!! I thought this was a forum for pipe smokers but it seems as if I've got it all wrong. It's all about art on little tins which advertises the BBC or something? Who is this wanna be captain who does most of the ranting? An art collector of sorts who produces his stuff in a kitchen? And what does he produce? Looks a lot like dog poo on a dinner plate there! I'm sorry if I've got it all mixed up but this is Greek to me.
Will/can someone please explain to me what's going on?
Deep breath. Move along. Nothing to see here.
-- Pat

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