CAO Pipe Tobacco

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Nov 19, 2009
Chicago, IL
Ditto. I've been real tempted to add Cherry Bomb to my next order based on Python's favorable review. But I'd be interested in hearing from CAO fans and critics of their other blends. What I really appreciate in a review is whether one can taste the chemicals used, like PG or whatever. I seem to be real sensitive to them in a bad way. I can't drink diet cola for similar reasons.



Dec 15, 2009
Well thanks Kevin, I might try it out then because I did really like their cigars and I trust your tastes. I'm not real big on aromatics except one or two but I bought one from mission pipes and its java and I smoke it in the morning with my coffee and I just love it as a good morning smoke. But my buddy has some aromatics, same one that got me into pipe smoking, and I'm telling you they are flat out horrible!! I gave his aromatic blends a good try and I'm not saying my palette is refined by any means but this stuff was horrible!! I don't like Half and half at all and I'd smoke it rather than his aromatics he So I'm picky on the aromatics I will smoke but I will for sure try them out! Thanks



Staff member
Apr 8, 2009
Cortezattic Said: What I really appreciate in a review is whether one can taste the chemicals used, like PG or whatever. I seem to be real sensitive to them in a bad way.
I also have some reaction when PG is used in a blend. For some reason it does something to my throat that I can't quite explain and I can actually taste it. It overpowers the aromatic and tobacco tastes for me.

There is one particular brand of tobacco that I can't smoke because almost everyone of their blends taste the same to me because of the PG in it.



Might Stick Around
Dec 29, 2009
Upstate NY
Ditto to Kevin's post. Sweet Vanilla Honeydew is one of my go to smokes. Realy good quality VA with great taste. No pg to make you sick and just a great everyday quality smoke. Highly recommended!

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