Picked up a tin of CAO Cherrybomb at my local B&M today.
Popped open the tin, and WOW, I was impressed! I don't know if all cherry aromatics are like this, but the smell of the tobacco pre-smoke was awesome, and very, very strong. On my first puff I tasted the cherry strong and clear, with just a hint of vanilla. After 20 minutes, the cherry had mellowed, and the vanilla flavor had become a bit stronger.
It took a light well, and has an very pleasant room-note. I daresay that if I had a wife or girlfriend she wouldn't dislike it at all! It smoked dry, but didn't stay lit particularly well for me once I got down near to the end. I'm not sure if this is just me, but this seems to be the way it goes with most aromatics.
This is quite the good blend, and I'm certainly going to be picking up more tobaccos from CAO in the future.
Popped open the tin, and WOW, I was impressed! I don't know if all cherry aromatics are like this, but the smell of the tobacco pre-smoke was awesome, and very, very strong. On my first puff I tasted the cherry strong and clear, with just a hint of vanilla. After 20 minutes, the cherry had mellowed, and the vanilla flavor had become a bit stronger.
It took a light well, and has an very pleasant room-note. I daresay that if I had a wife or girlfriend she wouldn't dislike it at all! It smoked dry, but didn't stay lit particularly well for me once I got down near to the end. I'm not sure if this is just me, but this seems to be the way it goes with most aromatics.
This is quite the good blend, and I'm certainly going to be picking up more tobaccos from CAO in the future.