Briar Bully, the only Canadian shop that I know of that sells pipe in their name is Blatter and Blatter .com I looked and saw one Canadian Canadian.
There are likely others though.
Good luck
Brigham is a Canadian pipemaker, but I'm not sure that's what you had in mind. Their website. Their #09 shape is a Canadian. I have a 149 (1-pin apple) and a 484 (4-pin volcano) in my collection.
Simon, almost wish I had'nt checked that out. Now after I looked at their special pipes, I saw a pipe carved with the Canadian maple leaf on the bottom of the bowl. Just beautiful. Now I cant get the idea out of my head of commissioning my own Canadian pipe build.. Look what you done did )
Hey, "done did" is a southern phrase, and we don't like you people from the great white north using our phrases! :D
I hope you get a pipe like the one you are picturing in your head!
PAD is a vicious thing, and I'm sorry for causing you pain... wait, no I'm not. :twisted:
I hope that you can get a hold of the pipe that's in your mind's eye. That would be really cool, and we would all like to see pictures when it happens.