Canadian Box Pass Round 3

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Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 30, 2015
I have tobacco to contribute as well. If the other box gets moving again, i like the idea of combining them. If Jim gives the okay Ill get something sent out asap.



Jan 23, 2015
Alright fellas, time to get another box going don't you think?

I am going to bag up a few bits and pieces on Saturday (including the big bag of 1792 I forgot to put back in the box when I had it last ) and send them to Jkrug (if that's ok with you Jim?) and maybe if the other members who suggested they could offer something for the box could also send it out this week then it could be compiled into the starting's of another box, or added to the first one if Ben88 gets it to the post office.
Well fellas I have not had any luck getting in touch with ben88 and he has made no further attempt to contact me either. I'm all in for starting another box if everyone is still interested. What say yee??
For those that wish to contribute to starting a new box (if we go that route)send your goodies my way and I will get the box going again asap. I'm pretty sure the current participant list is up to date, if there are changes that I've missed please let me know and I will update the list.
I too will vouch for coldsmoke as I know him from CCF as well. Are you in for the pass Andy?
Let me know what you think guys and we can get the pass started again soon because the nice weather is just around the corner. If anyone has any ideas, thoughts or suggestions please share them here.
Cheers, Jim :puffy:



Jan 23, 2015
Thanks davet. Very generous of you. If/when you decide you want in pm me your particulars.
PM headed your way. :puffy:



Feb 13, 2013
Winnipeg, Canada
I'd be in but me and isaac usually just get together with the box since we're both in winnipeg, we did that last time and it worked good. I think we have to develop a stricter rule setting then post count though and 6 months membership, we may have to go with a vouching system for newer members, members that have been around for a long time of course would be ok, but it seems we've been pooched a few times now on the CBP with this same situation. Members who have participated in the past and have been good obviously would be ok. 100 posts and 6 months doesn't mean much unfortunately. It's a shame as that box was huge. It looks like we have a good 10 guys who are all solid at least, but it's getting frustrating watching these boxes with like 5 pounds of tobacco go missing. I think Ben88 probably is having financial troubles as his last post here was trying to sell penzance or stonehaven for 125$, but if he's not even replying to emails that's just rude. Like I trust a solid member vouching for someone like coldsmoke over someone with 100 posts and 6 months any day, and that's 2 of us vouching for him.



Feb 13, 2013
Winnipeg, Canada
I am going to bag up a few bits and pieces on Saturday (including the big bag of 1792 I forgot to put back in the box when I had it last :oops: )

You still have that 1792???? Come on by!! I can throw in some tobacco you can put in with what you're sending, I'm off this weekend too. PM me or text me if you want to get together. If you're working thursday night you could pop over after that quickly, bring that 1792 though, I've been craving that.



May 9, 2015
Estey's Bridge N.B Canada
we may have to go with a vouching system for newer members, members that have been around for a long time of course would be ok,
I would have vouched for Ben88. I had a few dealings with him that went smoothly. I don't know what happened but it surprised me. You pays your money, you takes your chances :oops:



Jul 28, 2016
Hey Guys it's sad that the box hasn't gone around in a long while.
I can also Vouch for Ben88 as i have had three Great dealings with him that went smoothly too. It's unfortunate this happened.
I know i am not on the list for the box pass, but i would be willing to donate some tobacco to get this thing rolling again too. I can throw in a bag or two forsure!



Aug 7, 2013
Regina, Canada
If another box is starting up, maybe start a new thread?
This whole episode with ben88 is leaving a bad taste in my mouth.
Kind of like 1792 Flake. :nana:



Jan 23, 2015
Guys, thanks for the offer to contribute to starting a new box.

Very generous and I love the spirit!! :clap:
tonyweibe33 - thank you kindly sir and I will pm you my address.
coldsmoke - thank you as well my friend and I pm'd you my address.
yaddy306 - I was thinking the same thing. I'll start a fresh thread once we work out all the details here.
As always if there are any ideas, concerns or critiques post 'em up here and we'll work it out.
Cheers brothers, Jim :puffy:



Jul 28, 2016
Sounds Great Jkrug!
I will wait for your Message. I look forward to getting a new box pass started. :D

The Generosity of the overall Thread is great.



Jan 23, 2015
Well guys, there is a ray of hope that the box will be recovered.

I was able to finally reach ben88 by phone tonight.

He stated that he has not been well and has been spending most of his time in bed.

He assured me that his wife would take the box and put it in the mail this weekend.

If so I imagine it will show up some time late next week.

I will keep you posted on that and let you know the moment it arrives, if it arrives.
I would suggest that those planning to ship tobacco my way hold onto it for now until we see what happens with the box.
Cheers, Jim :puffy:



Staff member
Sep 4, 2015
Baku, Azerbaijan
Guys, sorry for the interruption. Ben88 was my Secret Santa target, I sent him a parcel in December and he has never informed us (me and Pruss) whether he has received it or not. In case you contact him, please let him know that we are waiting for a response.



Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 30, 2015
Has anyone heard about Ben88? Is he okay? I'm hoping if the package hasn't been returned to Jim, we could start another box? Hope you guys are well!



Oct 25, 2013
New Zealand
I have just emailed Jim to see if he is interested in organising it still, and if so I can send some things his way, maybe some others will too? If he is too busy then I am happy to send something out to whoever is next to start it back up again.

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