I have tobacco to contribute as well. If the other box gets moving again, i like the idea of combining them. If Jim gives the okay Ill get something sent out asap.
Well fellas I have not had any luck getting in touch with ben88 and he has made no further attempt to contact me either. I'm all in for starting another box if everyone is still interested. What say yee??Alright fellas, time to get another box going don't you think?
I am going to bag up a few bits and pieces on Saturday (including the big bag of 1792 I forgot to put back in the box when I had it last ) and send them to Jkrug (if that's ok with you Jim?) and maybe if the other members who suggested they could offer something for the box could also send it out this week then it could be compiled into the starting's of another box, or added to the first one if Ben88 gets it to the post office.
I am going to bag up a few bits and pieces on Saturday (including the big bag of 1792 I forgot to put back in the box when I had it last)
I would have vouched for Ben88. I had a few dealings with him that went smoothly. I don't know what happened but it surprised me. You pays your money, you takes your chanceswe may have to go with a vouching system for newer members, members that have been around for a long time of course would be ok,