@Paul, thanks for the tip, I will check it too, as smokingpipes is a little bit too far from here. Anyway, lesson learned, no more Petersons...unfortunately, because I really like their look.
In Iceland we don't have too much possibilities when it comes to pipes and especially pipe tobaccos and it is not a really tobacco-friendly country.
If you are trying to find a more tobacco-friendly environment, then you are going to have a hard time. Outside EU, the Balkans is a somewhat peaceful place now and absolutely tobacco-friendly. I have positive experience with Montenegro for example. In the EU I like Hungary and Slovakia the most. In Hungary you are not allowed to smoke inside anywhere, but on the terraces/patios of cafes and pubs it is totally allowed and normal to smoke - and there is nice weather almost all-year-long.
@Embers, Wait, what?!?