Ha! farmers due tend to be messy. Even though they're not the majority, there are messy chewers. My friend was a pipe fitter for a few years, and his foreman would use half to a full can of dip at a time. I recall visiting my friend on the site. We were up on the building frame looking down at the foreman talking to my friends dad(engineer for the site). The foreman put an entire tin in his cheek while talking to him, and started spewing huge strands of spit. By the time they were done talking, there was a pool that was at least 3 foot x 3 foot.
Not spitting is pretty gross. Another friend has a 93 year old Grandma that has been chewing since she was 12. She's a frail little thing, and still sits in her rocker knitting, always with a pinch of copehagen. She, and both her sons don't spit. She claims it's good for you!
Not spitting is pretty gross. Another friend has a 93 year old Grandma that has been chewing since she was 12. She's a frail little thing, and still sits in her rocker knitting, always with a pinch of copehagen. She, and both her sons don't spit. She claims it's good for you!