Can Someone in USA Explain What the Heck These Are:

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 13, 2011
Ha! farmers due tend to be messy. Even though they're not the majority, there are messy chewers. My friend was a pipe fitter for a few years, and his foreman would use half to a full can of dip at a time. I recall visiting my friend on the site. We were up on the building frame looking down at the foreman talking to my friends dad(engineer for the site). The foreman put an entire tin in his cheek while talking to him, and started spewing huge strands of spit. By the time they were done talking, there was a pool that was at least 3 foot x 3 foot.
Not spitting is pretty gross. Another friend has a 93 year old Grandma that has been chewing since she was 12. She's a frail little thing, and still sits in her rocker knitting, always with a pinch of copehagen. She, and both her sons don't spit. She claims it's good for you!



Can't Leave
Oct 14, 2011
stolen from ken kesey (not for the faint of heart):
ok, this drunk was really hardup for a drink and stumbles into the local saloon looking to bum some change from the patrons so he could buy a drink, but he wasn't having any luck. so he says "i tell you what, 5 for bucks i'll drink outta that spittoon," and without waiting for a response he picks up the spittoon and starts tipping and guzzling. so one of the patrons tosses him a 5 and says "ok enough- that's just disgusting!" but the drunk keeps on drinking. so he's guzzling away and pretty soon they're all throwing money at him yelling at him to stop and getting really sick to their stomachs. finally he sets the thing down, empty, teetering and looking a little green and starts to gather up the money. "why didn't you stop? we gave you the money!" the bartenders asks.
"well you see," he replies, "once i started i couldn't stop. it was all of a piece."



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 18, 2011
Well, I'm ever so glad I asked about these strange things before rushing ahead and buying them ... needless to say, what a cultural education I rec'd from that question! Tobacco with tomato juice beggars belief, little 'ol grannies swallowing baccy would have to be seen to be believed and men pushing stuff down drinking straws instead of taking stuff up drinking straws is amazing to me - over here, no man would ever be seen putting a straw to his mouth, he'd rather die first!
Spartan, EVERY country in the world has good, bad & ugly (although I find it hard to maintain the faith with a few non-peaceful ones these days) it's just that it's absolutely bizarre for someone like, me for example, to go to another country & not see any sidewalk for years and years of spat out gum - just like it would be for you if you went to Singapore and didn't see a single solitary cigarette or gum but on the ground, ever - $1,000 fine if you do! Hell, 30 years ago they'd turn you away from the airport if your male hair was below your collar! Doing graffitti in most of civilised Asia will get you the most brutal caning imaginable. Ingrained cultures are a marvel for tourists to see.



May 4, 2011
I met a woman who dipped snuff when I was in the army. Most of us did at least some when we were in the field because we weren't allowed to smoke, especially at night, so we'd chew and spit into the grenade sump. My dad chewed tobacco for years and always spit into a soda can. Chewing tobacco is way different than pipe tobacco in texture and taste. I accidently swallowed a chaw once and I was pretty green in the face for a few hours.
Most of the time, here in the States, if you EVER intend to kiss a girl, do not let her see you with that stuff in your cheek and if you dip, you better make sure there aren't black flakes all over your bottom teeth when you smile.
I actually got a ticket from the Korean police for kissing a girl in public. She was giving me a smooch before I went back on base and the next thing I knew I had an Odishi cop shoving a piece of paper in my face. They couldn't really enforce whether I paid it or not so I probably still have a warrant for my arrest in Pusan.



Sep 20, 2011
In light of the hostility directed at my culture ;) I just wanted to stand up and represent as a tobacco chewing, dip spitting, deer hunting, possum trapping, Southern fried, bluegrass banjo listenin', frog giggin', bass fishing, limb line catfish catchin', cattle wranglin', chicken farming, all waterfowl shootin', four wheelin', rock climbing, mud boggin', hat-n-boots wearin', and, yes, pipe smokin' country boy. But I scrub up pretty dang well too. So eat your hearts out.
I knew a big group of Aussie boys that used to cowboy out in Montana a good chunk of each year. They were decent guys. Not their fault they were a bit soft. And they couldn't shoot straight, that's not their fault either growin' up in Australia and all... But they could do a good job on a trail ride.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 18, 2011
Holy Hell Sothron, are you married? I can do well over half that list with you AND I can shoot the eye out of a mosquito to boot! Got ma own fully modded Just Empty Every Pocket Wrangler, got ma Lucchesse boots and a wardrobe full 'o Stetsons & Arkubra's as well as Drizabones.
Pfft, Aussie blokes being soft .... I can outshoot, out whistle, out ride, out tractor & truck drive & crack a whip better than any of those pissant pansies, dunno how you put up with 'em, I can't!



Sep 20, 2011
Be still my beating heart. :)
Alas, Miss Lass, yes I am happily married to the love of my life, a true-blue country girl.
But I salute you.
Now where'd I put my spit cup?



Nov 5, 2011
Aussielass, I totally understand where you are coming from when you talk about America being a giant big litter bin. I use snus alot, along with my regular pipe smoking, and one thing I realized when I started snus was how dirty American people can be. Throwing just anything on the ground at any time, Americans (not all of them mind) CAN be pretty nasty to their natural environment.

I realized this when, looking at a snus can with it's catch lid (Snusers know what this is ;p ), I had to research exactly why it was there on the can. Turns out it was for putting your used portion snus in. I looked into how people live in Sweden, and realized its not just illegal to litter there, its a practical taboo! The people consider it morally wrong.
So...I think yeah, Americans could learn a whole lot from other countries, like Great Brittan and Australia, about how to present themselves and how to treat the environment and others around them.

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