Much simpler and readily at hand for many (and a lot cheaper!) : shards of terracotta pots. Just soak in water 15 minutes and place in jar, bag, box. Do check that you don't overdo it.
I think it's hard to answer the question without including personal preference. However, I do think that if it gets to the point of tobacco dust, you run the risk of sucking that dust into your mouth, especially new smokers that tend to draw hard to keep the pipe lit. I doubt that is going to be an issue if you have it in jars.
"Just soak in [BOILING] water 15 minutes and place in jar, bag, box."
Your terracotta trick has served me very well John since you first suggested it to me and no, I've never had any mould problems by so doing.
Thanks, Jay, but I don't bother with boiling water. I also use tap water, but there are no chemicals added to 'treat' the water. I am on a well, so get God's clean pure water, though loaded with dissolved minerals. (Which people sometimes pay a lot for bottled stuff that has it).
Mold has not occurred nor do I expect it too; I keep my tobaccos ca 70-75% RF @ 70º.
John, the reasons I use boiling water are twofold, one to sterilize the pot and two I believe more water is absorbed that way.
Cold or boiling, it's a neat and cheap free trick :clap: