it's also been proven to slow Alzheimer disease as well as help Parkinsons
I've heard this several times in the last few years, but it's funny that everyone I know that has died of Alzheimers have been smokers, and absolutely every pipe smoker that I grew up with has died of Alzheimers.
Me, I seem to still keep losing the... you know, those... things... those whatchamacallits...
And, the only place in the entire universe where I have ever, ever, ever heard from any person, smoker, cigarettes, pipes, dipping, chewing, or cigars that nicotine or smoking of any kind was
NOT addictive was on this very forum. I live in the land where the majority of people smokes or uses tobacco products in some way, Alabama. I set in a B&M with men coming in for their daily cigar or just hanging out, but around lots and lots of pipe men and cigar smokers, and I have never ever heard one of them deny their addiction, EVER! Cigars and pipes do not have the same withdrawal affects as cigarettes, just as they do not have the same effect on their bodies. But, I have never ever heard a pipe guy or cigar guy say in person that they were not addicted. I mean, no one would rob a convenience store to get a cigar or pouch of Captain Black, but just stopping smoking has some physical and mental effects.
It amazes me. I mean if you feel like you have moderated yourself to where just stopping wouldn't cause a disruption in your thoughts or behavior, great! Good for you. But, that is not how the rest of the world thinks of their tobacco use. I mean, back in the 80's you'd hear an alcoholic chain smoker, bent over a table tell you that they could stop at any time. And, that is how I take it when I hear that on here. You're bent over your keyboard compulsively typing, posting on a tobacco pipe forum day in and day out, and you want me to believe that you can quit at any time. Ha ha. OK. :
Me, Hello I'm Cosmic, and I am addicted to tobacco, pipes, and pipe forums. :
: And, I am happy as a clam about it. Wouldn't quit for the world. :wink: