Yes, you did it! And nice job with the close up.
Let me back up and apologize for criticizing your photos. At the time, you appeared to be a person— a "civilian" if you will, not a professional pipe merchant— who was asking a question regarding a pipe he was thinking of buying or had bought, and used pictures from the site of the merchant to illustrate. There was no indication that it was you, Bob Hinton, and that you were indeed "Bob's Briars"; and you completely avoided or evaded answering several direct questions from me and others.
Had I known those were your photos, I would not have critiqued them as strongly as I did. By telling you to man up I was referring to being apparent as to who you are. Regretfully I went over the top in pursuing that. Apology offered!
And I regret I haven't any notion re Peter Pump. Good luck!