mso - I think I may have heard from somewhere that C&D is leaving NC and moving operations to SC. Anyone else here this? I can't remember where or I heard it or if I am just dreaming.
As pipe smokers, it seems to me, we are really looking for both of these elements to be addressed
"When people have no choice, life is almost unbearable. As the number of available choices increases, as it has in our consumer culture, the autonomy and liberation this variety brings are powerful and positive. But as the number of choices keeps growing, negative aspects of having a multitude of options begin to appear. As the number of choices grows further, the negatives escalate until we become overloaded. At this point, choice no longer liberates, but debilitates. It might even be said to tyrannize."
-- Barry Schwartz, The Paradox of Choice
Takeaways for decision-makers
1. Think hard about the minimum amount of choice you need, in order to clearly differentiate your brand from the competition. Look back 6 years and compare Apple’s iPhone product range next to Nokia’s, for instance. Choice can be a confusing burden as much as a convenience.
2. Every decision you fail to take to focus and simplify your range, is one more that your customers will be burdened with, every single time.
3. Too much choice can be perceived as a lack of confidence in your own brand. Being asked 12 different questions about how you want your burrito will be cognitively-tiring and leave many wondering why the company can’t be more bold and self-assured with respect to its product.
4. Streamline choice architecture to encourage some sort of ‘good’ decision (whatever you, as a decision-maker, determine ‘good’ to be) where one would otherwise not take place at all. For instance, reducing choice and consumer apathy within a user flow at key intervals where drop-off has been found to be high will increase conversion.
5. You’ll have to work harder & spend more to market the differences between the products in your range, the more choice you offer.
That was a bit of a broad brush I used, I should have personalized that statement, my apologies.
Not at all Was a good and righteous critique of my post. Nothing I wrote could be considered anything but personal perspective.Hope my brushback pitch wasn't too strong.
This is a major cultural shift for C&D. No, not a shift, but a fundemental transformation. It will be interesting to see which, if any, C&D personnel make the move, but after the move is completed, everything will have changed with the C&D brand. Nothing will remain the same.but it is a fact that C&D operations, machinery, tobacco leaf and whatever else will be moved from Morganton NC to coastal SC ( Little River / Loris / Longs ) in an all-in-one facility with SPC and LDG ( Savinelli USA ) sometimes before the end of this year.