C&D Autumn Evening

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Ora Pro Nobis

Might Stick Around
Mar 25, 2020
It seems, even in my part of the woods, Fall is slowly walking in. This is a good thing. With the first grey skies and cool wind I found myself seeking Fall blends. As I tend to do, I came on here and also searched the web for reviews of favorite Autumn blends to fill my pipes and enjoy the changing weather. Well, here I found quite a bit of discussion about C&D's Autumn Evening so I decided to give it a try. I'm glad I did. I am no expert, so I can't provide you with an in depth discussion about "chocolate-maple undertones with a hint of 13 year cavendish mixed with whiskey" insight. My palate just isn't as refined as it is for many here.

What I can tell others is that it's very good. It is a "richer" smoke that doesn't overpower you with sweetness, earthiness, spice, or anything other than a rich and tasty tobacco flavor. Instead of one major flavor tone, I seem to get an equal blend of tones that seem to cover the spectrum of potential hankerings; It can be a touch of sweet, touch of earthy, touch of spicy etc. They just seem to come in small amounts in different little unassuming waves.

Now, don't mistake this to mean that it is a weak blend. Autumn Evening has a strong presence. The first time I smoked it, my wife came to the office and asked if I was smoking a new blend. She said she could smell it from outside the house as she was approaching the door! However......she said it had a very pleasant room note.

I look forward to more bowls. Give it a shot if you've been on the fence.


Jul 8, 2020
Boston, Massachusetts
It's a great blend, which has lots of admirers and lots of detractors. There is a great old review of it on Tobacco Reviews lauding its quality and which is addressed to smokers of "Old tires" etc who expect something different. For me it is not an everyday smoke but something to be enjoyed now and then. Nice Avatar by the way.


Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 30, 2022
Nice review. I enjoy this blend quite a bit. I usually bust this out if I know I’m going to be around others. They usually remark how good it smells and somebody asks if it’s time for breakfast. Definitely don’t choo choo this blend or it turns inot hot acrid poo.


Feb 21, 2013
I enjoy many C&D blends, but I haven't tried that one yet, and probably I should. It sounds like what is called a tobacco-forward aromatic, where the flavoring elevates and accentuates the flavors of the tobaccos rather than upstages or buries them.
Jul 26, 2021
Autumn Evening is almost chameleon like for me. Some days it is tobacco forward while others it's a maple bomb. It hits the spot on occasion and others not so much.

It is one of the few tobacco's I've been complimented on for the pancake like smell.
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Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 26, 2022
I tried this last week and didn't care for it - I think it was the rum/whisky topping that I was tasting and the tobacco was a little moist. I tried it again last night after giving it some drying time and it was very good. It's not going to replace Captain Black Copper as my favorite aromatic but I will certainly enjoy the rest of the 4 oz I purchased

The Clay King

(Formerly HalfDan)
Oct 2, 2018
Chesterfield, UK
Thank you Sir. I had the first round round in December 2020 and still do not have my sense of smell yet. I have enough to enjoy a good bowl of tobacco though.
@Reggie I've heard of long COVID...
Not caught any of the COVID variants and tested negative this week. Had a rough few weeks since my flu vaccination; I've had an X-ray and CT scan this week.
Feeling much better now, hope you get well soon.


Oct 6, 2021
I just tried it last night for the first time. I can see why it's so popular, even if it isn't something I want all the time.

It lights and stays lit more easily than any tobacco I smoke. That's certainly very convenient.

The first quarter of the bowl seemed sweet-nutty, with an exotic spice note that I associate with a pinch of DFK (but maybe I'm mistaken).

By the end of the first quarter, the maple syrup showed up in spades, and was certainly the dominant flavor from that point on.
After a while, there were even notes reminiscent of pancakes (the vanilla?) and bacon (DFK?). But probably this was mostly just "power of suggestion."

By the halfway point I thought I started getting occasional hints of bourbon, too. Not like bourbon on the tongue, but more like bourbon on the throat. But these were very secondary.

I stepped out of the room awhile, in order to come back in and catch the room note. I was expecting a typical aromatic room note, but actually it was fairly natural tobacco like, except quite sweet.

Again, I can see why it's so popular, even if it's not the sort of thing I'd reach for every day.