After many a try on the P&C Website this past weekend I have opted to no longer purchase ANYTHING from them. I will purchase from other vendors with "workable" and navigable sites (I use a MAC) and give them my business. I wish you all better luck.
P&C has been good to me too. Fast shipping and well packed. The new site could use some improvements to the UI but nothing to make me stop ordering from them.
And isn't this life in a nutshell? eBay sellers, retailers, restaurants,plumbers, etc, etc, etc. Once you're burned it's tough to go back. I've dealt with shiny pipes w/o incident. Some haven't. I never bought from P&C. If you've never experienced disappointment, it's all good. If you have, well, these threads happen. Marscigars works well...for me Terry. My 2 cents. No Mac here though.
I recently gave them another chance after I cancelled an order right after their move. I ordered an estate pipe and had a good experience overall. (Although smoking pipes does a much better job with estates, I got what I thought was a really good deal so I went for it.) I would order from them again.
Sorry your having difficulties Terry, but I understand your frustration. Honestly if it wasn't for Russ stepping up to fix their issues I wouldn't have ordered from them again.
Just went shopping on their website. Added $200 in tobacco and 3 pipes and got to the checkout page with no issues. Took me all of 4 minutes and I was also using a Mac. No Issues.
I must admit to being a P&C hater (I don't normally smoke aromatics...) but I decided to try them again on IPSD and have to say they did well. It'll take a bit more convincing to make me a regular customer but at least it was a step in the right direction.
Yes the new site is wonky, and somewhat cluttered, but it works if you take the time to get into the web designer's head and figure out the organization.
I have my gripes about things here and there but they've treated me well. You're using a mac - with safari? Safari is notoriously poor (albiet not as bad as IE)- why not chrome and firefox?
I get my tobacco orders made no problems, but those pop up pages for pipes still prevent me from buying pipes from them. But, I will have to add, that I had an issue with my bulk tobacco order (that turned out not to be their fault at all), and their customer service was spot on. I felt as though they had done me more than fair on that. I will continue to use them for most of my tobacco.
And, if they make it so that I can see the pipes, (lol) I will start buying pipes from them also.
I use iMac and iPad... Have placed several orders recently without problems and receive product quickly. Sorry to hear some are having problems. My only minor complaint is that I often find they are sold out of something I want.
The "new" P&C website is really only the front end of the point of purchase software. The old site used an outdated Yahoo shopping cart. Since most companies that use it are small with little inventory or sales, I can see why Yahoo wouldn't put any money in upgrading it. The P&C new page is using the C.I. PoP software to handle real time stock, large volumes of inventory and sales. This is the software that should have been used in the first place. Software at this level runs around 30K+ and with the C.I. buyout in the works for over a year, I can understand why they never upgraded. Migrating all the data will take time and many things have been lost and need to be manually added. It's actually gone very smoothly considering the amount of data migration. They may have launched it a bit soon but already having and using the software at C.I., the finishing touches should come along quickly. The site has nothing to do with P&C as a company and their service has always been top notch for me.
The last order I placed with P&C arrived in less than 24 hours. They're good people to deal with. The new website can be a bit confusing, but everything's there. Perhaps you may wish to give them another try and see if you can navigate the maze. It's kind of fun, really.
I do find the interface new and it is taking some getting used to, but P&C is a good to go vendor with super fast shipping. I'll adjust to the new format fine.