Butane Fill Help

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When it is full it will begin spewing butane over your hand and elsewhere. You can't miss it.
Ahh. I was filling it last night, and at one point that kept happening. About froze my fingertip off, like with an upside down can of compressed air. I thought I just didn’t have the nozzle seated properly for the fill.
Last edited:
Jun 25, 2021
Ahh. I was filling it last night, and at one point that kept happening. About froze my fingertip off, like with an upside down can of compressed air. I thought I just didn’t have the nozzle seated properly for the fill.
You need to be quick about it.
quick on, hold down firmly, quick lift off.
if you're slow lifting off, gas will escape. Do it on a firm surface.
Pronto bro
Jan 28, 2018
Sarasota, FL
It should fill in 6 to 8 seconds. One sure way to screw these lighters up is to continuously try to over fill. More important is to vacate the lighter each time before filling. That means you use something small, like the thin pipe tool, to hold down the full valve and let the air escape.

I'd also highly recommend you use the Xikar High Performance Butane. Huge difference in how your lighter will perform.


Sep 8, 2020
Northeast USA
Good thread. I recently filled up my new Old Boy and it only took about 6-8 seconds w/Xikar High Performance Butane as mentioned by hoosierpipeguy. I could’ve probably got a little more in there, but I didn’t want to over do it on the first attempt. One thing I noticed was that the lighter will get cold from the fuel, but them warms back up to room temp.


May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
I only use Xikar 14 times refined and I do an 8 count and it is full. I buy all my Xikar fluid off amazon. I think it is 12 bottles per case. I never run out as I make sure to re order when I have 2 bottles left. I also use the tip of the tamper to bleed the lighhter before lighting up. That is very important. I also will never use a flint oghter than the Xikar flint. I tried all the cheaper ones and they are crap in comparison to the Xikar. The Xikar never looses it's shape and it lasts much longer than any other flint. Yes they are more money but we are talking only a couple of bucks more.

Enjoy your new toy and pick a spot where you sit and smoke and find a place where you will put that lighter every time, you don't want to loose it. And always keep your tamper in the lighter at all times. After you use it, it goes right back in the lighter. Trust me, I cannot even count the number of tampers I have lost, it sucks.