CAKE: it has positive and negative results. You have too ream after a while which I do not like doing. I think reaming can be difficult if your not careful, especially if u ream below the air hole.... as far as breaking in a pipe, I have always started with half bowls in the beginning, lighting and tapping all the way down too the bottom of the bowl. after awhile you will see that ash and oils sticking to the interior of the bowl, then start filling the bowl 3/4 full and smoke all the way down to the bottom of the bowl. I have use honey and pipe mud for caking purposes, they do work. I really prefer not using those any more myself, however u can do it if u choose. I prefer a naked bowl over carbon coated bowls. I smoke many different tobaccos. just smoke your pipe the cake will come. Good Luck Sir. Oh I also like BR Whiskey I have been smoking it for 35+ years.